Re: Xfce theme switching caused Xfce to crash and now it would not to start - any suggestions for reset or re-config to default

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On Wed, 2010-05-05 at 13:21 -0400, Edmon Begoli wrote: 
> Does anyone have a suggestion how to reset Xfce (ver. 4 of Fedora 12)
> so it would start again.
> I was switching themes to check them out and some setting cause Xfce
> to crash, and now Xfce
> is kicking me out to the login. I can only log in with Gnome or
> command line interface.
> Is there are a restore option, and if not where is the actual config.
> file that I could use to
> switch to the default theme. (I got to check which one is it first :-) )
> Thank you,
> Edmon


If you can enter in Gnome, then open a terminal and type:

$ xfce4-appearance-settings

and change the theme from there. Then log out and enter in Xfce again.

Hope this helps,

Germán A. Racca
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil -

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