Re: Dependencies problem while upgrading

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> FYI, there's already a thread on this subject - see here:

Sorry! I checked Google with one of my error string and it didn't show
at the time. But I'll continue here as I later digress.

> I'm surprised --skip-broken didn't work for you as it worked for me
> and someone else on that thread. Still it's quite frustrating as it's
> been broken for many hours now.

I didn't try skip-broken. I was afraid that if broken dependencies
were skipped, it might cause further problems with installed software.
Since it seems the latest kernel wasn't to fix security issues, I'll
rather wait to update everything at once.

But that's not all that happened when I tried to update. As I already
wrote, my terminal was no use: the black square after
[bobo@myhost ~]$
was an empty box.

I don't remember exactly what happened then, but it's possible that I
tried reentering the root account by typing:

su <password>

thinking that I might get a workable terminal as root. (Thinking so is
probably stupid, but I guess I tried.)

When I came back to the GMail tab in Firefox, my password was right
there! But that's not all yet!

When I tried to re-save what I had pasted in gedit, the file name
suggested was:

Gmail - Inbox (# of message) - m.z.rieux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And the file already had a name! I had saved it before!

Whereas it was possible that my password entered Firefox because the
terminal was kind of frozen, this one seems rather weird.

That was too many problems at once. Since I had found nothing on
Google about the update problem, I feared being treated as a fool

I skipped this. Maybe, after all, I was being hacked, a matter you
should not worry developers with, apparently.

I hope this update problem will be fixed soon. I tried an hour ago and
it still wasn't. Will I have to do a

package-cleanup --problems OR
package-cleanup --dupes OR
rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

before yum reacts correctly again?

There's a new nvidia-settings package and I'm eager to see if it will
fix my sound problem (not getting to TV through HDMI) and if my
background 5x4 picture on my monitor will appear in 5x4 on my 16:9 TV
and if 16:9 films will look 16:9 on the TV... in clone, or mirror,

Otherwise, if upgrading the kernel is so often a problem with the
nvidia module(1), I would rather switch to the Nouveau driver. The
problem is I don't know what the Nouveau driver can't do besides 3D
(which, since last month, is now experimental, but I don't give a

(1) Please don't talk to me about akmod. If rpmfusion has problems,
I'm afraid I might have some too!

If I install a TV card, will the Nouveau driver work? How does it
manage aspect ratios on clones? Same, better, worst than the Nvidia
driver? These informations are hard to find, mainly a very peculiar
kind called unbiaised :).

Even removing the nvidia driver scares me. When I installed,
informations were dead wrong all over the place, except at rpmfusion.
But rpmfusion gives no instructions to uninstall. There are some here:

but I didn't use the nvidia installer.  *As far as I remember*, I got
the key from nvidia. The repository was installed at the same time and
I used yum for installing.

There certainly isn't a NVIDIA-Linux* file anywhere on my system.

When you google with " uninstalling OR removing
nvidia driver with yum", suddenly, nothing is clear. If the driver can
be installed with yum, why doesn't Fedora's site say it may be
uninstalled with yum? I understand Fedora can't say how to install it,
but what about getting back to non-proprietary software?

So, who knows? "yum remove", and everything will be in the original
state or a new mess will be created that *I*, a non-expert, will need
weeks to fix?

Yup, after a while facing one bug after another, you get scared.
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