Re: My contribution

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On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Craig White <craigwhite@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 21:21 -0500, Marcel Rieux wrote:
>> Whatever nonsense Mr White might throw at me to state that real Linux
>> believers never admit there's a problem, I say there is a HUUUUGE
>> problem.
>> And, like it or not, this is my contribution.
> ----
> there isn't a problem, at least not one that you can't become part of
> the solution as it is a participatory software development system
> (Fedora, Linux, open source software in general).
> As long as you don't believe that ranting on this list in any way
> constitutes valuable feedback

To me, stating that there are clearly too many problems and that the
development model for the Desktop needs a fix is definitely not "just

> But your contribution, in the context of ranting on this list is
> generally worthless because like most everyone else, I will simply click
> delete and be done with it.

This you certainly can do, but let me give you my 2 cents on the "if
it doesn't work, the code is there, just fix it" view.

When I began using Linux, in 2001, I was 50. There was already no
chance I would become a developer. But, hey, Linux was to become
popular just next year. Maybe I could help the neighbour install it?
Then it was next year, next year, next year and it's still next year.

In November 2001, my doctor told me I needed "a little pill" to help
my kidneys. Already, in 2007, I was taking for more than $1,000 of
medication a month, including Eprex. At the last blood test (one every
2 weeks)  my creatinine was at 200 and urea at more than thrice the
maximum level. I might soon have to go on dialysis. It will leave me
less time to fix stupid problems on my system and my poor brain, which
already suffers from sleep deprivation -- this is what is really
killing me! --, will be less clear than ever. Not only the neighbour
would rather give me $100 so that I DON'T install Linux on his system,
but I might have myself to switch to Windows myself.

Windows is not as bad as some Linux users pretend, you know. If you do
your updates on time and don't download anything in sight on your
computer, it will resist pretty much all attacks. Ask Charlie Miller!

And Ballmer will make sure the clipboard works!

The problem with Windows is that it represents all that I've been
fighting for all my life, you know, easy money based on scams that
finally destroys civilisations.

If I die using Windows, will it be for a lack of developers? Of course not!

Trolltech has been sold to Nokia. Nokia fights against html5. The
rotten -- guess what this icon is -- interface seems accepted
without question, but I'd bet they've lost most of their user base.
They certainly lost me... and Linus Torvalds :) What will those
developers be developing for next? Windows free software? OS X
software? Who knows, we might very well lose some.

What lacks in this organisation is recognizing the problems and fixing
them. If there are too many file managers, pick one, put it in a
default repository, and you'll have other developers either quitting
or fighting for their place in the sun.

Linux is now 19 years old and the "next year" excuse has exhausted all
its resources.

I have to buy my Window copy before 3 months. If I see no more change
in those 3 months as in the, roughly, 13 years that I've followed
Linux development, I'll have no choice but to switch back to Windows.
Maybe this means nothing to you but, believe me, it means something to
me. It's really something I'd rather not see happen.

> Bugzilla is your friend.

You read nothing. Bugzilla is a joke! 2 years and you still can delete
a file on your desktop without being notified. In the present context,
it's just ridiculous! The day I see bugs being fixed with diligence,
I'll begin filing bug reports.

For now, if Red Hat 6 will be based on Fedora 12 and 13, Red Hat would
be better off taking good note of what I write here. If they continue
fixing the bugs only in Red Hat in order to tell the customers "You
want something that works? Forget about Fedora, pay for RHEL", I
foresee a major switch to CentOS 6 by Fedora users.

No more answers tonight.
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