Re: [OT] Hardlinks and directories

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On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan
<pocallaghan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Since it's just a name, there are no restrictions on what it
> contains, in fact it may not point at anything that actually exists, and
> of course can actually create a circular structure.

A Good Time Can Be Had By All, by symbolically linking a file that
does not *yet* exist, but will in the future.

The "ln -s" command requires the path of the file to which the link
will point, and the path of the link itself.  But it doesn't care one
whit whether the linked-to file actually exists.  If you can supply a
path to it, you could symbolically link to anywhere.

> Once the last hard link
> is broken, the file disappears. Note also that the inode maintains a
> count of hard links, but not of symlinks, i.e. symlinks are in some ways
> second-class citizens.

Actually that is not quite true.  A seemingly bizarre and just about
always surprising but well-documented and surprisingly useful
requirement of UNIX filesystem symantics is that a file does not
actually disappear until *two* things both occur:

1. The last hard link disappears.

2. The file is closed.

Hilarity will ensue if you can find some way to open up a bunch of
giant files on a filesystem that is running out of space, then keep
them held open.  No amount of trying to delete those files will cause
their payload data to disappear from the filesystem - they will only
disappear from the directory tree.  Once you have the file open,
despite its being deleted, you can continue to read and write it just
like any other file.

Not just no other user, but no other process of any kind - not even
your own processes - will be able to locate the deleted files that you
are holding open.  It will be very difficult for naive sysadmins to
even figure out what is going on.  But the payload data will still
exist on the disk, just like any other file.  I think the "lsof"
command file show that you have an un-named file open, but other than
reporting which filesystem it is part of, I don't think the actual
location of the file can be discovered in any way.

This causes a lot of grief to those who try to create file servers
that are completely faithful to UNIX filesystem semantics, especially
when the server is some other kind of operating system, and not any
kind of *NIX.

While it can be argued that keeping deleted files around until they
are closed is a completely asinine thing to do, consider how useful
they are as temporary files:

1. Create your temp file.
2. Open it.
3. *Immediately* delete it - yourself - by making an unlink(2) system call.
4. Use your temp file for whatever purpose suits you.

The cool thing about doing it this way, is that no matter how your
program should exit, your temp file will really and truly disappear
once you quit.  Because the kernel takes care of closing open files
for your when your process exits, if you crash, or take some kind of
unexpected path to termination, you can be sure that that file will be
totally gone once your program terminates.

That is much, much harder to ensure on systems where one cannot delete
open files.  On those systems, you have to ensure that you delete your
file *after* you are done with it, even if you crash or take some
weird error handling pathway to termination.  Otherwise you will
eventually end up with a bunch of unwanted temp files all over the

> Soft links are similar to "aliases" on Windows. AFAIK Windows has no
> concept analogous to hard links.

Windows aliases, like Macintosh Finder Aliases, are conceptually
similar to soft links, but aren't nearly as robust: Mac aliases and
Windows shortcuts are just plain regular files.  To follow the alias
to the intended destination file, the user program has to make an API

UNIX symlinks, however, are dereferenced entirely within the kernel;
user programs don't have to do anything at all to follow them.

If you try to open(2) a symlink, you'll immediately open the file it
points to, and not the symlink itself.  In fact a separate system call
exists for the explicit purpose of reading a symlink when you *don't*
want to dereference it.  I think that's what "ls -l" uses, when it
lists a symlink as well as the file it points to.

There is some advantage to Mac aliases over Windows shortcuts and UNIX
symlinks: they have the ability to hunt down the destination file no
matter where it may be.  Dereferencing a Mac alias will mount file
servers, prompt you to insert removable media and the like, and the
operating system has a facility for automagically updating the alias
if the destination file has moved, provided that it is somehow able to
figure out the new location.

Interestingly, the Windows NTFS filesystem has full support for
*NIX-style symbolic links, but the Windows operating system does not
provide any manner of user interface for creating them.

I think that was done for the old POSIX subsystem in Windows NT4.
Back in the day, if one wanted to sell an operating system to a US
government agency, it had to be POSIX certified.  So both Microsoft,
with the NT4 POSIX subsystem, and Apple, with A/UX, met that
certification by providing POSIX implementations that they never
expected the government employees to actually use.  Instead the POSIX
implementations did nothing more than to facilitate the sale, with the
end-users running Win32 or Classic Mac OS applications on their new

While Microsoft doesn't really support the Windows POSIX subsystem
anymore, the symbolic link support is still present in NTFS.  There
are I think some open source tools available for creating NTFS
symbolic links, if you want to play around with them.  I think the
NTFS version of symbolic links are called "Joins" but my memory is

I expect that the creation of an NTFS symbolic link is done with a
single Win32 system call, if you can figure out how to actually call

Well that about beats the subject entirely to death.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

   Dulcinea Technologies Corporation: Software of Elegance and Beauty.
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