Re: Can we have different desktop backgrounds for different workspaces

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Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Friday 28 August 2009 10:53:56 Steven P. Ulrick wrote:
>>> On Friday 28 August 2009 07:50:02 Anne Wilson wrote:
>>>> On Friday 28 August 2009 04:22:23 Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>>> On Thursday 27 August 2009, Anne Wilson wrote:
>>>>>> On Thursday 27 August 2009 20:21:55 Steven P. Ulrick wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Thursday 27 August 2009 17:02:34 Michael Hennebry wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, RAMAKISHOREBABU KOPPULA wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Can we have different desktop backgrounds for different
>>>>>>>>>> workspaces? If yes how?
>>>>>>>>> Not, I am told, with recent versions of KDE.
>>>>>>>>> Waaaaah.
>>>>>>>> Yes, you can now.  I do have.  I have Air on Desktop1 and
>>>>>>>> blue-sun-m on Desktop 2.  This wasn't available before KDE 4.3
>>>>>>>> as far as I know.
>>>>>>> Hello Anne
>>>>>>> I am running the KDE 4.3 that ships with Fedora 11.  I do not see
>>>>>>> how to put different images on different virtual desktops.  Any
>>>>>>> help is appreciated.
>>>>>> Hmm - I just added extra desktops and set wallpapers from the
>>>>>> desktop right- click menu, without a problem.  I don't recall
>>>>>> having to change anything else to allow this, but I'll ask around
>>>>>> in the morning in case I've forgotten something.
>>>>>> Anne
>>>>> Ah, yes, but in kde-4.3, we are still stuck with one wallpaper for
>>>>> all screens.  That sucks about a 10-33 tor vacuum IMO.
>>>> NO WE ARE NOT!  Please!! I asked for a few hours sleep before searching
>>>> for what was needed to enable it.  It definitely works on my laptop.
>>> OK - I get testy before breakfast.
>>> I'd forgotten how I did it.  You may remember that I said a long time ago
>>> that you could do it in Activities, but not in desktops.  Now you combine
>>> the two.
>>> Use the desktop cashew to zoom out > create an Activity for each desktop
>>> that you want - IOW 4 desktops = 4 Activities >  Configure each Activity
>>> with the wallpaper you want.  Go back to your first Activity and zoom in
>>> - you are back where you started.
>>> Now go to each desktop, zoom out, set one Activity to use that desktop,
>>> zoom in.  Do this for each desktop.  Now you can use your desktops just
>>> as you always did, but each has settings that are independent of each
>>> other.
>>> Takes a few minutes to set up, but from then on it's as easy as it always
>>> was.
>> Well, now I have a new problem.  I have three desktops that each have a
>> different image on the background.  This is good.  My fourth desktop also
>> has a different image on it (again, this is good), BUT all the plasmoids
>> have dissappeared from it!
>> Actually, it is more like this:
>> Desktop 1: All the plasmoids have dissappeared.
>> Desktop 2: All the plasmoids remain on the desktop, but in different
>> positions and different sizes.
>> Desktop 3: one of the plasmoids has actually become the size of the entire
>> desktop (with no way to resize it) and the other plasmoids are still there,
>> and can be resized and moved around just like a "normal" plasmoid.
>> Desktop 4: Same as Desktop 2
>> OK, I just discovered that one of the desktops had been changed to "Folder
>> View" (That would have been Desktop 3)  So, after changing that back to
>> "Desktop View", Desktops 2, 3 & 4 now have all the original plasmoids. 
>> Unfortunately, like mentioned above, they were randomly rearranged, and I
>> will also have to resize them.
>> Desktop 1 still is nothing but a blank image.  All the plasmoids had
>> dissappeared.
>> Anyway, I need to get to work now :)
> They are now Activities, not simple Desktops.  Before, plasmoids were on all 
> desktops, but if you want your desktops for different purposes you probably 
> neither need nor want all on every desktop.  Activities are independent.  On 
> each desktop place the plasmoids that fit the kind of work you do on that 
> desktop. :-)
I suppose that at one time or another I will achieve what I am after. 
Yet, to have learn all this "activities" / "plasmoid" / "activities"
stuff seems to be much more complicated than it needs to be.... 

Just seem like a whole lot of crap to me....

(Full disclosure....I have had too many G&T's tonight)....

But, if it takes me multiple steps and non-intuitive logic to reach my
goal then I consider it a FAIL....


Man's reach must exceed his grasp, for why else the heavens?

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