Re: plotting large datasets (DJ Delorie)

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Hi DJ,

> I can send you a pdplot input if you want to see what I'm up against.
> I got it to work, and the results are somewhat more usable that
> gnuplot in some ways, but less in other ways.  Some first impressions:

Please do, and then we can probably take this discussion into private email.

> 1. The Time axis should have an option for time(2) format, converting
>    to day/hours/sec etc.  Currently, it shows the ten digit values in
>    scientific format, which overlap.

I usually send my data through some other program to manipulate the
data.  I have a 3 line idiom in awk to process UNIX time into decimal
dates like 2009.345 for plotting purposes. 

> 2. It doesn't label the individual graphs, so you can't tell which
>    graph is which.

You can label each graph with the yscale command.  "nextygraph" takes
you to the next graph and "yscale <factor> <label>" gives it a yscale

You can also put legends in the graph itself with "label <x> <y>
<string>", taking care to make sure it fits. 

> 3. The zooming is different than everyone else - should be click-drag
>    rectangle (with outline), release to zoom.  The second point should
>    be allowed to be just outside the plot so you can reliably grab the
>    zero axis. 

It is different than gnuplot, but it is the same as HP's post processor
which is what the initial target audience was used to.  However, it's
not hard to change the zooming, and I think your suggestion is a good

> 4. Dude, scrollbars :-)

What did you want to scroll?

> 5. The git clone command fails.

Thanks.  I just fixed that.

> 6. The "homepage" link opens the homepage within a frame, need to
>  re-target the top window.

Thanks.  I'll fix that.

> 7. If it had the ability to enable/disable the various graphs through
>    the GUI, it'd be nearly prefect for me, caveat the above.

This feature can be done nicely with a page of Tcl/Tk, customized to
your particular need.  Sometimes I use pdplot for multiple graphs,
sometimes as simply a vector plotter.  It's mostly optimized for driving
through stdin from a script.  That's why I suggest a front-end wrapper
to handle your application-specific data munging and formatting.  I use
awk() perl() or Tk(). 

You could even write a super simple bash or ksh script that let you do
something like:

    plot 1 2 3 	; plot datapoints 1,2 and 3
    plot 3-6	; plot datasets 3 through 6

The plot script would read the arguments, parse the data file 
with grep or awk, label the plot and spit the ascii
representation to pd which would update the pdplot window.

If you want to send me the details of your data storage format, I can
make you a simple tool to select your plots on the fly.  Every
application is different, so I usually build this kind of stuff
as part of the problem setup for each different investigation.

Thanks for taking a look, and for the nice suggestions.

kind regards,
Rick Walker

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