Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

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David wrote
Just in case you are not aware of this Jackson, it may help to know
that the boot process and messages can be paused by pressing ctrlS and
resumed by ctrlQ

thanks David, that helps me look at all msgs up to some point
shy of the failure point
which is  something like
Waiting for X-server...
I cant catch final part of that line,
the screen goes blank immmediately after it shows up.

additional info:
1)commenting out  hiddenmenu  in grub.conf
--does not present the choices to me, it just grabs first one
--even worse, it prevents ESC from showing the choices
So now I am back to   hiddenmenu    nobegining # and ESC works

2)acpi=off looks no different, gets to Waiting for X-server...
  then screen blanks

3)retesting taking scsi_mod.scan=sync out of the kernel line
still with "rhgb quiet" removed
goes back to what I previously observed:

mount:  error mounting /dev/root  on /sysroot   no such file or directory

that msg does point to the initrd because the init script therein
is trying do that mount
but now that scsi_mod.scan=sync appended to kernel line
gets past that error, I dont see further evidence of initrd error.

scsi_mod.scan=sync is required. FWIW at the end I copy
the section from f10releasenotes on this.

4)I remain stuck at Waiting for X-server..
 It is not as if X is just failing to come up
 with normal boot otherwise;  this prevents the boot from finishing

here is the quote
==from f10  commonproblems or f10 release notes
  New Fedora 10 installs do not boot, boot delays for 10 seconds or
stabilization cannot be detected

link to this item - Bugzilla: #473305 and Bugzilla: #470628 On systems
that use specific SCSI hardware (can include SATA controllers), a
fresh install could complete, but on reboot it would hang and either
display "stabilization cannot be detected", delay for 10 seconds or
not continue to boot at all, with sg or other devices being listed.

The problem is that mkinitrd was edited to enhance boot times. This
introduced an IF clause, that, under specific circumstances, causes
scsi_wait_scan not to be loaded and also prevents 'emit "stablized
--hash --interval 250 /proc/scsi/scsi"'from being called, and hence
the above mentioned issues occur.

In order to fix this issue, a temporary option can be used, by editing
the kernel argument from within grub and appending
"scsi_mod.scan=sync". This will allow the boot to proceed in most
circumstances, although it might take a few seconds to proceed. By
using the mentioned kernel argument anaconda freeze-ups and crashes on
some systems are also prevented, during the installation process.

A better fix is to rebuild the initrd that the kernel requires in
order to boot. mkinitrd --with=scsi_wait_scan (detailed instructions
below). Beginners please follow the steps below:

# To fix this issue, boot from live-media.
#Become root on the live-system (note the dash):
su -
# Enable LVM, if you are using LVM:
vgchange -ay
# Create a mount point:
mkdir /mnt/sysimage
# Mount your installed system (VGhere = Your VolumeGroup;
# LVname = Name of Logical Volume):
mount -t ext3 /dev/VGhere/LVname /mnt/sysimage
# Note: Experienced users also mount your other mount points,
# such as /var into the chroot.

# If required mount the /boot partition into the chroot
# (where sdxx is the /boot partition):
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdxx /mnt/sysimage/boot
# Mount the required special kernel directories into the chroot environment:
mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/sysimage/dev
mount --bind /proc /mnt/sysimage/proc
mount --bind /sys /mnt/sysimage/sys
# Change into the directory root of your installed system:
chroot /mnt/sysimage
# Rename your old initrd (note your initrd version might be different,
# modify as required)
mv initrd- initrd-
# Create your new initrd image
# Note: The third argument after mkinitrd is the kernel version)
mkinitrd --with=scsi_wait_scan initrd-
# Exit the chroot environment and reboot:

Now pray! Please note the lines beginning with a "#" are comments!
Some command lines are separated by a carriage return.

Important Note: mkinitrd-6.0.71-3.fc10 fixes the issue above!! Please
update your system after fixing manually, or better after booting
using the kernel argument "scsi_mod.scan=sync" !!!


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