Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD

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David wrote:
On 4/22/2009 3:33 PM, suvayu ali wrote:
2009/4/22 David <dgboles@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 4/22/2009 2:13 PM, suvayu ali wrote:
2009/4/22 David <dgboles@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
As I understand the Live-CD installs to the primary (boot) disk. That would
be sda. It will have a / in sda1 and a swap in sda6. It will be LVM.

All this talk about live CDs got me thinking. If someone wants to get
something not available on the DVD (e.g. XFCE) and have their custom
setup on the local disk, the only way to upgrade is over the network
using preupgrade? Isn't that rather restrictive, specially since a lot
of the users have dual boot machines?
What would be the options if I don't have a reliable high speed
Internet connection? I am asking this as I wanted to get rid of Gnome
completely and have XFCE instead when I upgrade to F11. But going by
this, that seems unattainable. Am I missing something here?

There were two, official, Fedora 10 Live-CDs released. One that was GNOME
and another one that was KDE. There are some people here that made several
different, they are called 'spins', of Fedora 10. And one of the Live-CDs
was XFCE, IIRC, but it was only available with Bittorent. Again. IIRC.

If you had one of those official CDs, KDE or GNOME, they have to be
downloaded by the way, you could install XKCE and use it. It too would have
to be downloaded but the software installer/updater could get that for you.

XFCE is reasonably small. I just looked and it would be about 34 megs for
what looks like the basic desktop with everything needed to work.

Thanks for the thought, but I'm aware of the XFCE Live CDs. My
question is since live CDs don't offer the option to choose the kind
of install, not even the option to choose the partition on the disk,
upgrading to a clean XFCE desktop is not possible without loosing my
current partitioning scheme. Is my understanding correct here?

With a Lived-CD. Yes. I said before that a Live-CD does not really install
in the common way thought of. It wipes the drive and writes itself to the
harddrive. Exactly as it is when it was made. Somewhat like burning an ISO
to a CD/DVD. What it is is what you get.

A update would take either the 3.4 G DVD or the set of 6 CDs.

I don't know, it's none of my business, where you live but if Internet
connection is your problem this will be available to buy after it is
released. One place is Cheapbytes. I have used them in the past and they are
reliable and the prices are inexpensive.

For example:

Fedora 10 x86 install DVD is $5.99 + shipping
Fedora 10 x86 install CD set(6) is 8.99 + shipping

It has been a while but what I received was a quality disk(s) with a
professional looking label 'made' to the disk, not a 'stick-on' label, with
a window sleeve.
you are wrong in your suppositions of the live install procedure as it does not wipe the disc and install itself on the full hard drive, well not unless you tell it too ;)


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