Re: Internet connection in F10 via bluetooth-connected WM6 phone?

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Rick Stevens-3 wrote:
> I found a link that sorta describes this, but uses the USB instead of
> bluetooth:
> Carrying a USB cable in the laptop bag shouldn't be a huge problem.

OK I followed up on this, and decided to try that route - it turns out that
using the usb cable does work but not without some workarounds.

What I did was as follows:
1) plug in the usb cable from the HTC kaiser running WM6 to the laptop. The
laptop in fact has only ethernet and usb ports for networking but not
wireless. The ethernet port was not being used in this case.
2) NetworkManager recognises the connection and thinks it is connected to
auto-eth1 but at this stage there is no ip address or dns info set up, and
/etc/resolv.conf has no information provided by NM.
3) Now on the phone go to the Internet Sharing page, and clock "connect".
The facility and packages necessary to make the connection are already
installed in F10 and NM disconnects for a moment and then reconnects to auto
eth1, and NM thinks there is a connection available, and so does the phone.

4) ifconfig now looks good and shows a sensible ip address (in fact in the
range or so for eth1. However no access is available to named
sites using ping, ssh or firefox at this stage, but ping does make a
connection to external sites by ip address!

5) Looking at /etc/resolv.conf the reason becomes clear.  The nameserver is
set as (which is the phone) but the search is set to something
else that appears unrelated to the phone, and a "domain" is also set not
related to the phone, so NM has created a resolv.conf that fails to work. 
Manually editing resolv.conf to change the search line to "search" now works and ping, ssh and firefox do work but it is rather

6) Since this is not ideal, I made a new connection called htc-eth1 for NM
and set up the parameters by hand so that it would create a sensible
resolv.conf - now when the phone is plugged in via the usb line, and
connected from the phone end it makes the auto-eth1 connection as before but
with the incorrect resolv.conf, and merely clicking on the NM icon and
changing the connection to the htc-eth1 profile now works, and additionally
setting it up without tls between the laptop and phone speeds up the
connection a lot.

So the conclusion is that F10 is setup with the correct applications and
nearly gets it right out of the box - but it is necessary to make a work
around before you can use the connection. I presume that this is essentially
a bug in NM but I have not searched to see if there are any existing reports
in BZ yet.
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