Re: F10 audio KDE ldap users (SOLVED) :)

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Craig White wrote:
On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 11:11 -0700, Robin Laing wrote:
Craig White wrote:
On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 14:57 -0700, Robin Laing wrote:
Just finished installing F10 with next to no problems. My only real issue at this time is audio.

In "messages" I get

As the users that are using ldap are not listed in the user management, how do I add these users to the "pulse-rt" group? I have no control over the ldap groups that have to work across multiple versions of Linux and other OS's.

I cannot even run the KDE setup for audio as "System Settings" freezes.
I think those 'error' messages in syslog are fairly typical and that you
don't actually need users in pulse-rt group at all.

is pulse daemon actually running on those machines? as user? If so, can
the user open 'Pulse Audio Manager' application (multimedia) and
connect? If not, can you have user open a shell and type 'pulseaudio -C'


Yes it is.  It started when I logged in this morning.

rlaing   13672  0.0  0.0  87752  1144 ?        S    07:04   0:00 /bin/sh
rlaing   13676  0.0  0.0 137120  2124 ?        S    07:04   0:00
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --start
rlaing   13717  0.0  0.0 137120  2156 ?        S    07:04   0:00
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog
rlaing   14154  0.0  0.0 137120  2160 ?        S    07:17   0:00
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog

I don't see any Pulse Audio Manager in the Multimedia menu.

I tried to run pacmd and got these messages.

E: core-util.c: Failed to create secure directory: Permission denied
E: pacmd.c: No PulseAudio daemon running

The messages are the same and look related to lack of authorities to
access certain parts of the program.

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: main.c: Called SUID root and
real-time/high-priority scheduling was requested in the configuration.
However, we lack the necessary privileges:

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: main.c: We are not in group
'pulse-rt' and PolicyKit refuse to grant us privileges. Dropping SUID again.

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: main.c: For enabling real-time
scheduling please acquire the appropriate PolicyKit privileges, or
become a member of 'pulse-rt', or increase the RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO
resource limits for this user.

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: main.c: High-priority
scheduling enabled in configuration but not allowed by policy.

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: core-util.c: setpriority():
Permission denied

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: core-util.c: Failed to create
securedirectory: Permission denied

Jan  8 07:04:43 eagle1 pulseaudio[13717]: lock-autospawn.c: Cannot
access autospawn lock.

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: main.c: Called SUID root and
real-time/high-priority scheduling was requested in the configuration.
However, we lack the necessary privileges:

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: main.c: We are not in group
'pulse-rt' and PolicyKit refuse to grant us privileges. Dropping SUID again.

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: main.c: For enabling real-time
scheduling please acquire the appropriate PolicyKit privileges, or
become a member of 'pulse-rt', or increase the RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO
resource limits for this user.

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: main.c: High-priority
scheduling enabled in configuration but not allowed by policy.

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: core-util.c: setpriority():
Permission denied

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: core-util.c: Failed to create
securedirectory: Permission denied

Jan  8 07:17:58 eagle1 pulseaudio[14154]: lock-autospawn.c: Cannot
access autospawn lock.

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: main.c: Called SUID root and
real-time/high-priority scheduling was requested in the configuration.
However, we lack the necessary privileges:

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: main.c: We are not in group
'pulse-rt' and PolicyKit refuse to grant us privileges. Dropping SUID again.

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: main.c: For enabling real-time
scheduling please acquire the appropriate PolicyKit privileges, or
become a member of 'pulse-rt', or increase the RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO
resource limits for this user.

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: main.c: High-priority
scheduling enabled in configuration but not allowed by policy.

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: core-util.c: setpriority():
Permission denied

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: core-util.c: Failed to create
securedirectory: Permission denied

Jan  8 10:45:39 eagle1 pulseaudio[15843]: lock-autospawn.c: Cannot
access autospawn lock.

SELinux is permissive and system has been retouched.  There are no
SELinux warnings related to this.

Now, I have a local account for testing and was used for setting up the system and I have sound in that account. There in only one log message when I logged into that account.

Jan 8 11:01:40 eagle1 pulseaudio[16829]: module-alsa-sink.c: Increasing wakeup watermark to 40.00 ms

And the KDE System Settings works as expected when trying to access Sound.

This points again to permission issues due to ldap account. I will start looking at the various security settings when time permits later today.
this may be useful...this is a local user, not an LDAP user...

pulseaudi  2919     craig   24u     unix 0xd938e1c0       0t0
11561 /tmp/.esd-500/socket
pulseaudi  2919     craig   25u     unix 0xe3f29380       0t0
11576 /home/craig/.pulse/ffa1fd239ae906e50e6db70046dc602a
pulseaudi  2919     craig   26uW     REG      253,0     15845
16711691 /home/craig/.pulse/ffa1fd239ae906e50e6db70046dc602a:stream-volumes.i386-redhat-linux-gnu.gdbm
pulseaudi  2919     craig   27uW     REG      253,0     13273
16711693 /home/craig/.pulse/ffa1fd239ae906e50e6db70046dc602a:device-volumes.i386-redhat-linux-gnu.gdbm

Can this 'user' create a folder in their $HOME directory? Can this
'user' create a folder in /tmp ?

does this user have a ~/.pulse directory? Permissions?

ls -ld /home/craig/.pulse
drwx------ 2 craig craig 4096 2008-12-06 08:32 /home/craig/.pulse


That was the pointer I needed to find the problem.

It was related to ldap but not F10's fault.

When I installed this system Monday Morning, I found that I had an issue with my GUID. It was wrong.

In the .pulse directory, there was a link to a file in the /tmp directory that was broken. The file date-time was about the time that IT changed my GUID. It prevented pulseaudio from replacing the files. All the .pulse files were dated 2009-01-05, even after rebooting numerious times. I just rm -rf ~/.pulse

Now as root I have to go in and clean out the /tmp directory.

Thank you Craig.

Robin Laing

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