Re: Mount usb devices

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Dave Feustel wrote:
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 02:26:28PM -0800, Rick Stevens wrote:
FFS is the BSD "fast file system" (yes, the Amiga also had an FFS, but
since the OP said "BSD", I'm going to discount the Amiga).  I think
Linux' UFS filesystem can mount it but I'm not sure.  If it can, it
should automount, but UFS may not recognize FFS markers even if it can
mount it.  You can try forcing UFS to see if it'll work.

First, make a directory somewhere where you want to mount it.  A good
place would be in either /media or /mnt.  I'd do it in /mnt to leave
/media pristine for automounts:

	mkdir /mnt/test

Do a "dmesg" just before you plug in the drive, plug it in, wait a few
seconds and do "dmesg" again.  The additional lines from dmesg should
refer to the device you plugged in.  You'll probably see something like

	sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
	 sdb: sdb1

(that's from plugging in a FLASH drive).  In this case, the drive
itself is sdb (/dev/sdb) and it contains one partition, sdb1 (or
/dev/sdb1).  Then:

	mount -t ufs /dev/sdXY /path/to/your/mount/point

In this case, "mount -t ufs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test

If it mounts up, voila!  If not, either you didn't specify the right
partition or UFS doesn't mount FFS stuff.  I don't have any FFS drives
handy or I'd test it for you.

Thanks for this. I recognise the stuff from dmesg. I was trying to
mount the ffs disk because it is handy. I have another flash device
that I would like to partition as a 2 or 3 partition drive, mkfs
and then copy data to it from (hd0,0). Then I want to recreate
hd0 as a multi-partition drive, install 64-bit f9, and then copy
the data back from the flash drive.

The stumbling block for me was that I didn't understand how the usb
devices are named and accessed in Fedora before they are mounted. I think I understand naming now.

Ah!  Yes, virtually all disk-like devices are treated as if they were
SCSI.  "/dev/sd" is the prefix for all such devices, "sd" meaning "SCSI
disk". Then there's a drive designator which will be the letter "a" through "zz" (yes, I've seen such two-letter things...typically on big
FC disk farms), then a decimal number, 1 through 15 for the partition
number.  So, the fifth partition on the third drive found would be
/dev/sdc5 (and that would actually be INSIDE /dev/sdc4, see below).

Additional note: Partition numbers 1 through 4 are reserved for
"primary" partitions. One primary partition can also be an "extended" partition and partition 4 is always used for such a beast. Partitions 5
through 15 will always refer to partitions INSIDE that extended
partition (partition 4), so don't freak out when you see the sector list
for partition 4 overlap those for partitions 5 through 15 in the output of "fdisk" or "sfdisk".

Probably more data than you need, but I'm nothing if not thorough (some
would say "bombastic" or "long winded").
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-               Duct Tape + Magic Marker = Label Maker!              -

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