Re: utf-8 typing problem in X

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2008/11/7 Gordon Messmer <yinyang@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Carlo Nyto wrote:
>> I have a problem with Fedora 9 - if I type in X, whether it is in a
>> firefox window, a gaim window, an xterm, a gnome-terminal, a gvim
>> window, it will randomly switch to some Unicode part of the character
>> set.
> It looks to me like the problem is that you're /not/ using a UTF-8 locale.
>  Can you confirm that?  Open a terminal and run:
> $ set | egrep '^(LANG|LC)'
power:~$ env|egrep '^(LANG|LC)'
power:~$ cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n

And I have used UTF-8 locales on most versions of Fedora since it was
released. I am forced to use LANG=C on RedHat servers at work, due to
slowdowns in common utilities like wc by several orders of magnitude.
(Quite embarassing when I upgrade a system and a shell script takes
more than ten thousand times longer to run). But no one is using the X
server on these systems.

> I think you should be using LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8"

You think my problem is because I have it set to Japanese, or that I
should change it to Japanese to get proper English text?

>> I have found no way to convert the text to the proper part of the
>> character set, and cut-n-paste preserves the problem.
> I can tell you how to change the encoding of a file, but I'm not aware of
> any program that can shift characters to different unicode points. The
> problem isn't that the system is displaying your characters badly, it's that
> the characters are being entered as fullwidth latin characters rather than
> regular ascii.  They look similar when printed, but they're not the same
> unicode characters.

I agree this conversion would be a very difficult - perhaps impossible
- problem to solve. Do you mean "fullwidth" as in a multi-byte UTF-8
character? That is in fact my problem. The fact that they are rendered
incorrectly means that I can't ignore it for certain cases like an
email. But if they weren't rendered incorrectly (double-wide, which
makes me wonder if "fullwidth" implies that meaning here), I would be
in much bigger trouble, because I wouldn't notice when it switches.
This would be disasterous for passwords, programming, and filenames.

>> The real mistake was using Fedora 9 in the first place, but I had no
>> idea how bad it would be - between problems like this that are
>> impossible to troubleshoot,
> It's not impossible...

No luck and no starting points so far.

>> and an X server that won't listen on TCP
>> without me making source changes.
> GDM is responsible for instructing X not to listen on TCP, and you'll find
> it used in other distributions of the same age.  That problem isn't specific
> to Fedora.

Unfortunately Fedora chose to ship a version of GDM that no longer
allows the "-nolisten tcp" option to the X server to be disabled
through a configuration file. This is the first version of GDM has not
been able to do this. No other distribution chose to ship such a
thorougly broken version of GDM. Fedora has the ability to refuse to
use a new upstream version, is certainly not afraid to ship patches
for things like this. Do you know of another distribution that ships
this broken version of GDM?

>> Still, I'm going to not personally
>> worry about this, and switch to Ubuntu soon.
> Ubuntu uses the same gdm, the same X server, and the same input methods that
> Fedora does.  I don't think switching distributions will get you as far as
> configuring the system properly will.

Except no one has advised how to configure the system properly, or how
to find what conifiguration options wold be relevant. Nowhere is this
mentioned in any documentation.

In Ubuntu, not only do I get a default configuration that works, but
the configuration files are still in their proper place and are

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