Re: DISCOVERY Re: Why is Firefox such a beast??

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On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 14:21:53 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
> If you just burned the files to CD, then copied them, you wound up with
> READ ONLY copies. That is likely the cause of the problems you
> encountered.

	That much has always been true -- in the sense that, if for 
instance I tried to drag a newly acquired pic from my user's home 
directory into the wrong pix file (i.e., the one on the CD instead of the 
one with the same name on the hard drive), it would balk. 

	Also, dragging one file (or many, or all) from the folder on the 
CD to one on the hard drive would copy, not move -- i.e., not remove from 
the CD -- even though the same action would move (not copy) the file if I 
did it between most hard drive folders. (The ones in the backgrounds tab 
of what "gnome-appearance-properties %F" opens, I believe, are an 
exception in that they aren't removed from the donating folder.)

	That's all fine, and no problem. What's new is these padlocks -- 
the ones on the copies that dragging & dropping to the hard drive folder 
makes there. 

	I don't know exactly what the padlock means; it seems to vary. 
Sometimes, when I try to open one, I get an error message -- which may or 
may not have anything discernible to do with permissions -- and sometimes 

	In particular, Fedora will usually open a pic with a padlock -- 
at least in the sense that it will display it; but it often won't open 
some other file at all.

	My uninformed rough wild intuitive guess is ownership: if the 
default app for a text file is gedit, and I have read-only permission, I 
would expect opening to fail; but I don't *know* that's what the padlock 
is, and I don't know how to find out, or even to test the hypothesis, 
except anecdotally.

	Nor do I have any inkling why ownership should change. If I copy 
something -- text, pic, or executable -- successfully to the clipboard (I 
guess Gnome has a clipboard.), and then paste it into a file that I 
create, don't I own that file? 

	Is it even possible to set permissions in such a way that a user 
can copy a file, but not own the copy?? That sounds like some M$ trick ...

	Color me bewildered.

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 8 & 9; Alpine 2.00, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2, Epiphany 2, Opera 9, Firefox 2 & 3
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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