Re: a long rebuttal to the Linux-is-the-engine fallacy

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> > There is not much we can do to help.
> Of course there is.  If you want to help, call it
> GNU/Linux, or
> GNU+Linux.  That's all we ask for.
What will I gain if I do that?  Do I get a prize?

I would do it for you, but not for RMS :(
Is that fair? 

I think that the FSF is not being fair to Fedora as well, when the original question was asked, why was not Fedora a free GNU/Linux OS?  gnewSense, BLAG and others did make it, while Fedora whose definitions and work are used by the FSF to define what is a free distribution truly is.  This is unfair to Fedora and all of the people that work on it.  I think that just like FSF demands that we call it GNU/Linux, FSF should give the proper credit to Fedora as well.

The purpose of these guidelines is to help people determine whether or not all the information for practical use in a system distribution (such as a GNU/Linux distribution) is free, and to help people create such distributions. "Information for practical use" includes software, documentation, fonts, and other data that has direct functional applications. It does not include artistic works that have an aesthetic (rather than functional) purpose, or statements of opinion or judgment.
These guidelines are not complete. We have mentioned the issues we are aware of now, but we're sure there are more. We will add them when we come across them.

We would like to thank the Fedora Project for their help in focusing these policies, and allowing us to use their own distribution license guidelines as a basis for this document.
Also from the above page:
Nonfree Firmware
Some applications and drivers require firmware to function, and sometimes that firmware is distributed only in object code form, under a nonfree license. We call these firmware programs "blobs." On most GNU/Linux systems, you'll typically find these accompanying some drivers in the kernel Linux. Such firmware should be removed from a free system distribution.
Blobs can take many forms. Sometimes, they will be provided in separate files. Other times, they may be incorporated into the source of the driver itself—for example, it could be encoded as a large array of numbers. But no matter how it's encoded, any nonfree firmware needs to be removed from a free system.
(To be clear, not every array of numbers in a driver is firmware. It's important to understand the purpose of the data before deciding whether or not it's appropriate for a free system.)
Brian Brazil, Jeff Moe, and Alexandre Oliva have developed a series of scripts to remove nonfree firmware from a stock version of Linux. You may find them helpful if you would like to develop your own free GNU/Linux distribution. The complete source for a blob-free version of Linux is also available; you can learn more about this from the Free Software Directory.
Since Fedora is not a truly free GNU/Linux Distribution, why shall I call it Fedora GNU/Linux?
Where is the script that I shall run to make my system a GNU/Linux system?

On a side note;  Debian was pressured to call it Debian GNU/Linux by Stallman.  No one should pressure you to call a distribution what you do not want to call it.  

When they created the OS with GNU + Linux, they should have done this not leave the name in the air like it is right now.

> >
> Hear, hear.
> -- 
I have read the page you have referenced, but I do not get anything out of it 

{ 2006 09 30 }
Why can’t free software and open source advocates just get along?

I can ask why can't all the peoples of the world get along as well?  




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