Re: a long rebuttal to the Linux-is-the-engine fallacy

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> > What does that have to do with freedom?
> > They have a right to call it what they want.
> Nobody is taking, or even trying to take, that right away,
> even when
> it's not morally correct for them to abuse it right to
> mislead and
> fool the recipients of the collection of software they
> package, and
> deprive the authors of the largest single piece of code
> they use from
> fulfillment and advancement of their goals when developing
> that
> software, or even a fair amount of credit.
Nobody is claiming that they do not deserve credit, but many do not want the pushing on of their agenda :(

What would be excellent, is if someone can run David Wheelers SLOC,

and/or get the code

Run it on Fedora build system and then and there, if GNU is found to be the greater of all, then and only then it should get its proper credit.  Are there any volunteers?  
> > For instance the USA fought a war with Great
> Britian/England for
> > independence.  They won and became an independent
> nation.  They
> > named the country United States of America(USA), they
> should have
> > named it England/USA because most of the people came
> from over
> > there?
> Did those people remain loyal British citizens afterwards,
> still cared
> for by the Queen?  I don't think so.  But this is
> precisely what
> happened to the GNU packages that inhabit the United States
> of GNU and
> Linux.  I.e., the analogy doesn't seem fitting at all.

No it does not :)  There were some who were faithful to their mother country, but could do nothing to help out.  
Those same GNU packages were born of BSD/SunOS/Solaris code, does that make them solely of GNU property?  Do they give proper credit to the programmers from those OSes? 
> <OT>
> > Brazil fought a war with Portugal(1821-1825) for
> independence.
> > Brazil won, and they named their country Brazil, not
> > Portugal/Brazil.
> >
> Heh.  "A war" doesn't really describe what
> actually happened, or what
> children are taught at school.  The royal family had moved
> to Brazil,
> to run away from attacks from Spain, some two generations
> before, and
> the prince was born in Brazil and felt Brazilian rather
> than
> Portuguese.  When the royal family moved back and called
> him up, he
> declared independence.  The royal family decided not to
> crush their
> own offspring.  Kind of a sad joke, really.  Brazilians had
> fought for
> independence long before that, and been crushed.  It was
> *so*
> uneventful that this romaticized version of the story, in
> which the
> prince raised his sword on his horse, by river Ipiranga,
> and cried
> "Independence or Death", is taught at schools, in
> spite of being
> regarded as entirely fictitious by several historians. 
> That the URL
> you quoted presents it as fact casts a shade of doubt on
> every other
> sentence there.
I actually do not know much of history from Brazil, I just know that it has many wonderful people(yourself included), that Brazilians are penta-campeon(five time world cup champions in soccer(futbol), one of the world's greatest soccer players of all time, el Rey Pele.  Argentinan's have Maradona.  

Congrats on reaching the final in the World Cup of futbol playero.  Italia(Italy) awaits, reminiscient of the World Cup in 1970 and 1994 in USA.  

I actually consider it strange that most of the western world got independence from Spain, and only one country from Portugal, which is your country :)  

I also wondered why Spain and Portugal are very close to each other, and still do not speak the same language.  The same can be said for Spain, France and Italy which are connected in some way.  The Portuguese language is beautiful, very much like the French, Italian and other Endo European languages.  
> </OT>
> -- 

For South America, a very instrumental person in the liberation of countries was Simon Bolivar.  

The history of South America is vast and of all the countries there, the least I know of is Brazil.  Francisco Pizzaro conquered the Incas in what is known as Peru in 1535.  There was an explorer from Portugal named Vasco de Gamma.  I did enjoy watching several novelas from Brazil (Xica), (UgaUga), (La Escalva Isaura), among some others :)

If you are very strong over in Brazil, I suggest if you can make a novela about the GNU movement and tell the whole story.  Produce it and hopefully people accross the globe get to view it and know more of what happened instead of hearsay that is found on many websites.  

This guy said "****", this other guy said "xxxxx".  Of course the novela costs $, will the FSF help you out in producing it?

They just want you to push on their agenda.  What do you get out of it?  
You want to be livre(libre, free)?  Tell them to do the work by themselves.  They have two legs and they can speak, unless they really can't.  Then they should do it by themselves.  

The world is not listening anymore, or do they care about this.  They have far more problems to worry about than this :(  

Best Regards,



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