Re: Why is Fedora not a Free GNU/Linux distributions?

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Gordon Messmer wrote:
John Cornelius wrote:
This discussion is becoming both increasingly religious and somewhat oblique in its depictions of the elements under discussion. It may be instructive to review the classic definitions of some of these elements in order to clarify in the minds of zealots from the several sides of the discussion and thereby promote a more rational discussion.

Can you cite any consensus based definition of "operating system" other than what you've provided? I think that the POSIX specification is generally agreed to be the definition of one operating system interface, and it includes the shells, editors, compilers, etc that you've decided aren't part of an operating system.
I suppose that would be because the writers of the POSIX specification didn't think it through. Consider that 'bash' does not need Linux, Unix, Tops10, VMS or any other specific operating system to provide the environment that can be used to launch other programs effectively. It can run on virtually any computer that offers the necessary system calls and has a C compiler including Windows.

POSIX, in fact, specifies an environment rather than an operating system and for its purposes, which is to provide a template for government bureaucrats to use when selecting an environment, it is quite satisfactory.

That's what we're getting at. GNU/Linux is an operating system. Linux is one of the kernels that GNU *can* use, and one of the most common that it does.

GNU is not an operating system it is, and as far as I know always has been, a tool kit that is platform and operating system independent.

I think that the GNU developers disagree with you. What makes your opinion more valid than theirs?
Perhaps they do and they are free to do so but they are incorrect and your own argument makes the point. You are trying to separate the kernel (and its related facilities) from the operating system and, if you stop to think about it, that's both counterproductive and obfuscatory. As for what makes my opinion better than theirs, there may be no reason to believe that I believe that only that I find the GNU Operating System concept illogical and irrational.

It may be an ego thing on the part of GNU that they want to have an operating system of their own but they sell themselves short in doing so. The creation and purveyance of quality and useful software is in itself a noble and admirable thing and they are no less noble and admirable for providing necessary tools and applications rather than an operating system.

GNU is not Linux and Linux is not GNU, it's just an evolution of a movement started by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie nearly 40 years ago.

Whoda thunk?

I think you're giving Ken and Dennis too much credit. As far as I understand it, Unix was only distributed free of charge because ATT was concerned that its monopoly status prevented it from entering new markets. Look at Plan 9. Free Software? Nope.
Perhaps you should expand your understanding a bit. Unix was distributed free of charge to universities for much the same reason that GNU and Fedora exist, namely to get participation of skilled programmers and architects in making the system useful beyond the way that operating systems of the day were useful. Toward that end they gave the product away to universities and I was privileged to have the very first distribution sent to the University of California. I was required to redistribute it within the University and maintain the licenses on AT&T's behalf. I shipped UC Berkeley its first copy of Unix sometime in the 1970s and the rest is history.

AT&T did indeed sell licenses to commercial entities and they were not concerned that it would effect their ongoing monopoly problems with the Feds since they did not have a monopoly in the computer business. Unix was never intended to be free, unlike Linux, and it was their hope that they could challenge IBM with the product.

I do not give Kenny and Denny too much credit, if anything I have not given them enough credit. During a conversation with Ken Thompson I asked him why they had chosen Interdata as a platform to migrate Unix to rather than the VAX and he replied that the VAX wasn't different enough (from the PDP-11), that they wanted to prove a point and in order to do so they had to port to a radically different machine. The challenge was there and they met it but unfortunately Interdata did not, may they rest in peace.

GNU modeled its operating system after Unix because it was a common system, not because there was any particular sharing of ideals or goals.
Even so, the model used by GNU is derivative of the model used by AT&T to advance development of and on the Unix platform. Admittedly, that does not make it Unix but then Unix isn't GNU.

John Cornelius

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