Re: F9 - sendmail won't send on startup?

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Craig White wrote:
I feel that you missed my point.

If you are going to rely upon configuring sendmail on each machine on
your LAN to deliver e-mail, you need to have working DNS and some
knowledge on how to configure sendmail. That's what's required to fix
it. You are choosing your own burdens here.


I understand you perfectly. However there is no DNS problem as I can read mail from the server, the browser works and I can ping. There is some new problem with F9 that is causing this or something that works differently on F9. This has worked fine on every version of Fedora since 1 and it works fine as soon as I restart sendmail.
But I am running F-9 and sendmail and don't get those startup errors...

[root@lin-workstation ~]# grep 'Name server timeout' /var/log/maillog*
[root@lin-workstation ~]# grep 'Name server timeout' /var/log/messages*
[root@lin-workstation ~]# chkconfig --list sendmail
sendmail        0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

so it seems as though you do have some DNS problem somewhere.

Why would only sendmail have DNS problems and only before it is restarted?

And I assure you that if there was an inherent problem with mail
delivery on Fedora-9, we'd be hearing plenty of moaning.

but since I have a server on the LAN that handles mail delivery (both on
the LAN and to the Internet), it's a waste of time for me to configure
each local system to deliver e-mail when all I need to do is just use my
server for smtp connections and if necessary, simply configure a
workstation to use my server as a smarthost.

It takes about 30 seconds to configure.

Thus when I see you using e-mail addresses with zones (www) and errors
resolving them, it seems to me that it's simply errors caused by your
configuration which seems to be unnecessarily complicated and requires
that you notch up your troubleshooting capabilities.

Only sendmail and only before it is restarted after that it works fine.

I recall that on Fedora 8, NetworkManager sysv init ran rather late in
the startup series but checking it out now, it starts much earlier and
certainly before SendMail so that shouldn't pose a problem (which is why
I suggested putting an entry in /etc/hosts).


The entry in /etc/hosts did not solve the problem. That's the main reason I don't think it is a DNS problem.

If you are bored, set your thunderbird to use localhost as the SMTP server and try it. And try to email your local server so you are sure it isn't some ISP blocking problem.



Knute Johnson

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