Re: SATA - System Freezes

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Henry Ritzlmayr wrote:
Am Donnerstag, den 19.06.2008, 09:52 -0600 schrieb Robin Laing:
Henry Ritzlmayr wrote:
Am Dienstag, den 17.06.2008, 13:25 -0400 schrieb Jorge Fábregas:
Hello Everyone,

I'm running Fedora 8 and my system freezes (for about 20 to 40 seconds) a couple of times a day. When it does I see this on /var/log/messages:

------------------------------- cut here -------------------------------------

kernel: ata3.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen
kernel: ata3.00: cmd ca/00:50:67:85:03/00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 dma 40960 out
kernel:          res 40/00:00:76:6c:03/84:00:10:00:00/e0 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
kernel: ata3.00: status: { DRDY }
kernel: ata3: port is slow to respond, please be patient (Status 0xd0)
kernel: ata3: device not ready (errno=-16), forcing hardreset
kernel: ata3: soft resetting link
kernel: ata3.00: configured for UDMA/33
kernel: ata3: EH complete
kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] 321672960 512-byte hardware sectors (164697 MB)
kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off
kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA

------------------------------- cut here -------------------------------------

/dev/sdc is my main drive. The only thing I can think that this drive is actually a PATA drive connected to the SATA controller on MoBo thru a "SATA-TO-IDE Adapter" that I connect on the drive. Perhaps the converter is faulty...or could this be a known issue with libata? Anyone had same problem?

Many months ago I had the exact same output. Lots of google voodo and
try and error solved it. My issue was that on one outlet of the power
supply there where to many (3) drives connected. After recabling all
went away. Others claimed that they got rid of the problem be refitting
the sata cables.



I was just about to suggest checking the power supply. I had a power supply that wouldn't supply enough voltage on the 5V rail. My system would freeze. Turned out to be a known fault with the brand of powersupplies.

Took two power supplies to find out that it was a known fault. Argh. Warranties are useless on some products. I also learned that the sensor voltages were not accurate in the BIOS in comparison to a digital voltmeter on the actual power cable.

Robin Laing

What I didn´t like (still) is the fact that there is no indication, that
this could be even slightly related to the power supply. As stated above
it was more a try and error to solve this issue. Hopefully for the OP
this also solved his issue.
Question to the devs - could you think of any way that the kernel output
could be a bit more informing, or don´t you get enough information from
the hardware for such an issue. I also checked smart for unusual power
cycle counts but to no avail.

The problem with power supplies is that often they don't fully fail, if the voltage goes low enough things don't completely fail, only some operations will fail and some will not, and often things won't notice the PS was low for too long, and often they may only fail for the short period of the low voltage and be fine the next second, or if the fully fail the OS may still be able to reset the device and get it back up, but from the HW's point of view there was never a complete power failure. And none of the normal voltage monitoring devices sit there and sample the power voltages over time and verify they were always good for the entire time, they only check when someone looks, and all that really matters was that for tiny short period of time the voltage was too low, and screwed someone up enough to cause trouble.

I have seen a 110V AC outage that resulted in a remote controlled power switch switching off all of its relays, but the internal computer running those relays reported them all on (it did not reboot, and had no idea the relays internal to it were switched off and had no feedback on their position), obviously in this case the relays were more sensitive to voltage issues than the computer running the relays, likely a design issue were you really want to make sure the computer goes off first, or make sure that the computer has actual feedback on the relay positions so it knows something went wrong.

I have seen a power supply that was undersized on a certain voltage result in the ethernet going offline (kernel reported the ethernet was screwed up-but had no idea why and was unable to reset it and get it working again) and required a reboot to get ethernet back again, but other than the ethernet going offline nothing else looked wrong with the machines, and there were no other failures that could be found, and absolutely nothing indicated that there were any voltage issues.


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