Gene Heskett wrote, On 05/15/2008 01:21 AM:
On Wednesday 14 May 2008, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
Gene Heskett wrote:
sorry about the late rely here Kevin. The above example, except to -Plp3,
Many thanks, to Kevin J. Cummings, or anyone else who can shed some light
on this.
I'm not sure I have a definitive answer for you. I wish I did!
Good Luck!
Its beginning to look as if I'm going to have to write a filter to break it up
into say 60 line pages & send them to lpr one 'file' at a time. There
apparently is not a way to send a valid EOF from the other end unless someone
can decode a '^Z' into a value I can try just for grins.
Thanks Kevin.
Have you considered writing a bit of perl(or bash|awk|ruby|java|c|C++) to read
the /dev/ttyUSB1?
as a first cut I would probably do read lines[1] on the tty and when I hit
~60, dump to the printer.
second, start looking for what the originating system sends as Form Feed and
end file markers normally, and use those as kickers.
as a third, some read()s allow for a timeout, if no new data came across in
say the last 60 seconds...kick what you got to the printer.
[1] a read function that returns when it hits an end of line marker (NL or
CRNL). in perl "while ($IN=<STDIN>)" does the job.
my perl fu is a bit rusty (i.e., no warranties, it'll break and you get all
the chunks) but I think the first cut looks like:
#! /usr/bin/perl
# -*- perl -*-
open($MyFD,>,$MyOFile) or die "cant open $MyOFile for output";
while ($IN=<STDIN>)
print $MyFD "$IN"
$counter=$counter + 1;
if($counter >= 60)
#kick to printer.
system("lpr $MyOFile");
open($MyFD,>,$MyOFile) or
die "cant open $MyOFile and truncate for output";
cat /dev/ttyUSB1 | above_perl
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter
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