John Aldrich wrote:
On Tuesday 13 May 2008, Mike C wrote:
Check your mirrors - in the Fedora/i386/iso directory eg
there seems to be not only the DVD but also the various CD isos.
Maybe the mirror you used was not synced?
sorry about that. I think I jumped the gun. Using the BitTorrent page, there
are CD ISO images available, but I didn't see them on the "Get Fedora" page,
so I *assumed* (yeah, I know... Ass, You, Me... <G>) that there had been a
change of plans. :-)
It is our fault for not making that clear in the get Fedora page. It was
clearly there during the preview release but has been omitted out
accidentally when the page was refreshed for Fedora 9 release. Someone
in the websites team is looking into this. You will probably see an
update soon.
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