on 04/17/2008 01:05 AM Kevin Kofler wrote:
oleksandr korneta <atenrok <at> gmail.com> writes:
after last update xine-lib (current version xine-lib-
lost its ability to play .m4v files.
The update which fixes that (xine-lib- was finally pushed out
today. It was submitted on April 10, it was sitting in the pending queue for a
whole week. :-( There was over a week between the 2 update pushes. :-(
Kevin Kofler
got it. Xine and miro are playing m4v again now. Thanks a lot guys. Keep
up a good job!
Oleksandr Korneta
I'm running FC7 i386 and FC8 i386 on x86_64 hardware, should this matter.
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