Re: Fedora 9 and Citrix issue

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Todd N wrote, On 04/18/2008 03:29 PM:
I would respectfully disagree with your assessment, Mike, for the following reasons:

When booting the Fedora 7 Live CD, and installing the tar.gz version of the most recent Citrix client, everything works fine, with no problems. I am able to open an application window which successfully connects with the application. There is no OpenMotif installed on the system; neither is there a /usr/lib/ file on the system.

In Fedora 8, when using a base install of the O.S. (i.e. no updates), and having installed the same version of the Citrix client - again, the tar.gz version - the Citrix application window opens, states "Processing Replies from Server", and closes. The application does not launch. However, once I update the libxcb package, Citrix again functions normally. Again, no OpenMotif is installed on the system.

In Fedora 9 (Live CD) Citrix is again broken. Same version of the client. The "Processing Replies from Server" window opens (more slowly than in 7 or 8)
If you are talking the second test release F9, I think they still had a lot of the debug stuff turned on in the kernel, which could be slowing it down.
and closes without launching the application.

The Citrix client used in all 3 examples is the same; OpenMotif was not installed on any of the systems. In Fedora 7 it is working; in Fedora 8 it was broken but then worked; in Fedora 9 it is broken again. At least in the earlier versions of Fedora, OpenMotif was not needed. What changed between the Fedora versions that would have this effect?

I certainly don't mean to be adversarial in my discussion; I am just trying to figure out a way to minimize the need for non-standard packages. I do thank you for the input so far, and hope to hear more suggestions. :-)

I don't run citrix (currently) but out of curiosity pulled the client tarball, and poked around with ldd.
for i in `find . -type f`;do  \
 if ldd $i 2>&1 |grep libXm.s; \
 then echo $i; \
 fi ; \

finds only ./linuxx86/linuxx86.cor/wfcmgr wanting a
So if you don't need/use wfcmgr you may not need libXm.

how about running `ldd ./linuxx86/linuxx86.cor/wfcmgr` on all three distro's and see if there are any different results?

or if you want real fun...

for i in `find . -type f`;do ldd $i 2>&1 done > FedoraVER

and then diff each of the output files. (I think it should be in the same order each time, if you are starting in the dir where you untar'ed en.linuxx86.tar.gz)

Of course it could be, I should have remained a bystander. :)


----- Original Message ----
From: Mike Fleetwood <mike.fleetwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 5:25:53 PM
Subject: Re: Fedora 9 and Citrix issue

I am with Richard on this.  The documented work around by Citrix is to
use OpenMotif 2.3 to provide the 2.2 API by creating the Symbolic link
to make /usr/lib/ ->

"Failed Dependency: ... When Installing the ICA Client for Unix"

"The Presentation Server Client for Linux Fail to Launch and Reports no Errors"

"Question: ICAClient 9 instalation on Fedora Core 5 !!"

I don't see how upgrading libxcb (C-lang binding for the X11 protocol)
would have provided libXm (Motif runtime libraries).  On my Fedora 8
box I have the following:
[mike@rockover ~]$ rpm -q libxcb openmotif
[mike@rockover ~]$ rpm -q --provides libxcb | grep libXm
[mike@rockover ~]$ rpm -q --provides openmotif | grep libXm
[mike@rockover ~]$ ls -l /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2006-06-24 00:03 /usr/lib/ ->

I recommend you implement this workaround for Fedora 9 too.


On 14/04/2008, Todd N <todd655495@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Richard.  However, in Fedora 8, when using the tar.gz
version (again, not the rpm) of the Citrix client we did not need to install
openmotif.  The same problem did exist as I described below after installing
the client; however all we needed to do was update to the latest version of
libxcb and the problem ceased to occur.  Now in Fedora 9, the same Citrix
client, with the most recent libxcb package, is not working again.

While your solution may have worked for you, it seems to me somewhat
jury-rigged (no offense intended) and if possible we'd like to avoid a
similar setup here.  We were able to get the Citrix client to work in F8 by
simply updating another package (libxcb); it would seem reasonable that
something similar should work in Fedora 9.


----- Original Message ----
From: Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx>
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:51:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fedora 9 and Citrix issue

2008/4/8 Todd N <todd655495@xxxxxxxxx>:

In testing Fedora 9 (using the live CD) I am encountering a problem using
the Linux Citrix client provided on the Citrix web site.  After installing
the Citrix client successfully, using the tar.gz version (not the rpm), I
able to log into and launch the MetaFrame Presentation Server, but when I
select an application I get a window stating "Processing Replies from
Server" which is present for about 2 seconds, then vanishes.  The
application window is never launched.

An important thing to note is that I had this same problem with Fedora 8,
and was able to solve it by updating libxcb to the latest version.  Why
the issue appeared again in Fedora 9?

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

I know the web site states it needs openmotif-2.2. I could only find
an RPM of 2.3 packaged for F8 at some university (I think I found it
from so even after I installed it I had to do a 'ln -s
/path/to/2.3-file /path/to/2.2-link" and then it worked fine.


Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

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