Todd Zullinger wrote:
Jim wrote:
I wanted to remove and reinstall Alsa-* , but when I tell yum remove
alsa it wanted to remove just about everything on the box as
dependencies. It wanted to remove kde* and apps that had nothing to
do with sound. Theres got to be a problem with Yum. What gives?
I had to use rpm -e -nodeps alsa-*
Yum is just broken! It simply refuses to let you shoot yourself in
the foot! Bugs should be filed and torches should be lit!! ;)
Seriously, if you find that you need to use rpm --nodeps, then
whatever you are doing is not something yum will ever likely help you
with. In most cases, you're probably better off rethinking what it is
that you're doing.
Well I must say, theres a lot of good advise in that statement.
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