Samba won't dance

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It's no longer funny

Each release, I hope things improve...they don't

I can run distro after distro, from live CD's or installations, and networking 
either just works, or is easily configured...PCLinuxOS, MEPIS, Ubuntu, and 
many more come to mind

For years, Samba has not worked out of the box in Fedora, nor has it been easy 
to get working

Somebody tell me I'm wrong - I'll gladly accept disdainful insults while 
prostrating myself in abject submission
Ric, write me a lament...

OK - what I want and what I've done:

I have a home lan here, one Linux box and one Vista  and three XP machines.
I have configured Samba using different tools, including the Redhat GUI-redux, 
the KDE Control Center GUI, Webmin's GUI, and have even looked at the 
smb.conf file. I want to simply share my home directory and the printer that 
is attached to this machine, and authentication mode is set that way, no user 
or domain authentication.

On the firewall, I've allowed smb traffic on ports 137-139 and 445, and have 
also tried to make things work by turning firewalling off altogether using 
Firestarter, the simple GUI based configuration tool. I've confirmed the 
latter, that all traffic was being accepted after stopping the firewall, with 
the iptables --list command in a terminal

I found some avc Selinux messages of this type: 

SELinux has denied the samba daemon access to users' home directories. Someone 
is attempting to access your home directories via your samba daemon. If you 
only setup samba to share non-home directories, this probably signals a 
intrusion attempt. For more information on SELinux integration with samba, 
look at the samba_selinux man page. (man samba_selinux) Allowing AccessIf you 
want samba to share home directories you need to turn on the 
samba_enable_home_dirs boolean: "setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs=1" 

and this:

Summary: SELinux is preventing the nmbd from using potentially mislabeled 
files (/home/cj/.xsession-errors).

I tried running the suggested command in the first message, nothing changed. I 
just tried running the suggested command for the second message, but nothing 
has changed. 

What's happenning?
>From my Vista machine, if I go to the network tab in Explorer, I get a 
display, sometimes, of all the other machines on the network - it comes and 
goes (I've heard of issues with Vista networking and haven't fully researched 
them so this may be that). When it does show the other machines, I can get to 
the XP machines that have shares, but if I click on my Linux box, I just get 
a can't connect error. On my Fedora box, if I type smb:/ in the Konqueror 
window, it shows me two networks (my laptop is configured to auto-connect to 
the domain at work so that's not surprising), but if I click on the home 
workgroup, I just get an error. I tried smbk4 and it got a little farther - 
it lists a couple of the XP machines, but on one, it says it says the list of 
shares cannot be retrieved, and on another, it lists the shares but can't 
mount them...

I haven't done the full Monte drill of search and search this time, I humble 
confess. I just wish it wasn't this hard in Fedora. A few simple words of 
wise guidance in the configuration screen would suffice ("don't forget you 
need to also..." sorts of things). Why is it that so many other distros 
simply work, and Fedora doesn't? Is this a design choice? Is there a solid 
security or legal issue at play here? 

OK - have at me folks, I can take it, and I won't fuss back - 

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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