Re: Kernel 2.6.24 -- gee that was fun...not!

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-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Kernel 2.6.24 -- gee that was fun...not!
From: Robert Locke <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/14/2008 12:11 PM

On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 11:34 -0700, Paul Lemmons wrote:
I have been using Fedora since core 2 and I have never had any problems with a kernel update. Yesterday that changed the new 2.6.24 kernel. I booted the system and got to see it panic and halt. It appears that it was doing something with networking, but that is not for sure. I gather that by looking at what it barfed on my screen and picking out the big pieces :)

I have uploaded a smolt profile of my machine. If you have the same difficulty you may want to look and see if you see any overlap.

Recovery was a pain...

1) Remove all traces of new 2.6.24 kernel
- I could remove the new kernel, devel fairly easily
- removing the kernel-headers took a lot of friends with it
   - tracked the dependences to reinstall later

2)  Tried to install the 2.6.23 headers and devel
- none of the repos had the "old" kernel files
- after much searching I found:
      - got headers and devel packages
      - rpm -ihv the devel and header rpms

3) Nvidia drivers messed up on 2.6.23
   - Tried to install livna Nvidia drivers
      - always tried to drag in the 2.6.24 kernel
      - could not find a way around it

4) Reinstalled development environment lost in step 1
   - yum install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-java rpmdevtools
   - will go back and get the others later

5) Nvidia the hard way
   - yum erase kmod-nvidia*
   - download the driver:
- wget
   - Turn off Xserver
      - telinit 3
   - Install the driver
      - sh
   -  reboot

6) sigh with relief as I see my twin-view screens come up correctly
7) share experience here
8) will exclude kernel from yum update until 2.6.25 comes out.
   - I see on this list that others have had success with it.

Hey Paul,

Just out of curiosity, why did you have to reinstall the 2.6.23 kernel?
I can imagine there being a kmod problem perhaps, but yum normally keeps
a couple of kernels in place....

Also, not sure that things will get better for you with 2.6.25.  The
issue is more that upstream kernel development does not appear to have
the "two branches" anymore, so "new features" and such are getting
incorporated with each release.  I think the "issue" for some is a low
number after the 2.6.24, namely the current .3 that has yet to squash
some regressions that have caused some folks pain.  The hope being that
it might improve with later rev's of the 24 series....


I had the 2.6.23 kernel and was able to boot from it but the kernel-headers had been replaced with the 2.6.24 version. In cleaning up that I had also cleaned up the kernel-devel packages (probably a mistake). Either way, though, to get the headers back in sync with the kernel I had to go out to the koji site.

I am a little gun-shy now about updating to a newer kernel. I will probably wait until F9 comes out and will test first with a Live CD. That is not so far away that I can't wait and the new kernels don't often really give me anything new that I actually notice. I usually update simply to keep my machine current and, like this time, report on the rare problem.

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