Margaret Doll wrote:
You do install Windows first creating a partition for the Windows
system and one for the linux system. I like to have the two operating
systems on separate disks.
After the Windows system is set up and assuming that you have the full
fedora installation on dvds, boot from the first fedora dvd. Fedora
will note that you have a Windows system and will leave it intact as
you instruct it to do. You can then let fedora partition the
remaining unused partition or disk for its own system or you can
determine the partitioning.
It will ask you whether to install a default set of programs or let
you choose.
I have had occasional problems with drivers on new hardware, but
fedora has been usually easy to install.
On Mar 8, 2008, at 7:45 PM, Gareth Marsh wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to install fedora from a hardrive using
windows (from Fedora-8-dvd-x86_64.iso). My first guess would be that
you would create a partition and then copy all of the contents of the
iso (including the bootable section) to it, restart and boot from it
but I don't think this would work. I have already burnt the iso to
dvd but am curious as to how this could be done. This will be my
first Linux install so layman's terms please :)
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He said he wanted to install from a harddrive, not a normal standard DVD
install which you describe
I never really understood the need for this install feature because you
still need a way to boot/start the install somehow by pxe or boot media.
But anyhow, you do it by typing "linux askmethod" in the boot prompt, go
through the usuall install procedures and at one point you arrive to a
screen where it asks you what method you are going to use, and then at
another point a screen where it asks you for the details where the image
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