Jeff Voskamp wrote:
Jim wrote:
# rpm -e --nodeps gtk2-2.12.1.fc8.1386.rpm
error: package gtk2-2.12.1.fc8.1386.rpm is not installed
[root@x86_64 mickey]# rpm -e --nodeps gtk2
error: "gtk2" specifies multiple packages
[root@x86_64 mickey]# rpm -e --nodeps gtk2-2.12.1.fc8
error: package gtk2-2.12.1.fc8 is not installed
[root@x86_64 mickey]#
Try it without the ".rpm" - i.e. "rpm -e --nodeps
gtk2-2.12.1.fc8.1386" and "rpm -e --nodeps gtk2-2.12.1.fc8.x86_64".
You can't use '--nodeps' in deleteing a rpm, only to install.
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