Re: Fedora Unity release

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On Monday 18 February 2008, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Exactly, but people need a way to get the original before they can
> update, and that's why there's BT. Only there isn't BT, so people waste
> time trying to use the wrong tool because there is no other.

You are really misunderstanding the purpose of the respins, I think.  The 
fedora Unity people, volunteers, are providing a template and a tool to 
reconstruct an ISO from a set of updated packages.  It really really speeds 
things up to have the original DVD ISO available.  But no one is preventing 
the BT distribution of an ISO built with that tool.  Fedora Unity is a 
volunteer project, and they are distributing their work in the way that works 
for them.  If someone else wants to translate to a way that works for you (as 
one poster in this thread has done) then that's great; but I don't think it 
right to punish the good deed done by the Unity project's volunteers by 
insisting over and over that they use anything but their own distribution 

So the ideal would be to BT download the original F8 distribution DVD ISO, 
then use jigdo to get the Unity respin, using the original DVD to help save 
time.  Keep the resulting DVD ISO, and use it the next time you use jigdo.  
That's what I'm doing here.

> > For me? A DVD takes, depends, one and one-half to 2 hours. CDs about
> > twenty minutes. Bittorrent takes forever.  ;-)

> Excuse me if I don't believe you pull the whole DVD in that time, at
> least not from the dog-slow servers used by the public. BT runs about
> 10x faster for any given image if you have the bandwidth, jigdo runs at
> the speed of the slowest server it can find by random search.

I'm still waiting on a jigdo download of the bits for F9 Alpha.  However, in 
that time:
[lowen@dhcp-pool161 f9a]$ time wget
           => `Fedora-9-Alpha-i386-DVD.iso'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 307 Temporary Redirect
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
           => `Fedora-9-Alpha-i386-DVD.iso'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3,685,099,520 (3.4G) [application/octet-stream]

81% [=====================================>          ] 2,985,702,192    
2.70M/s    ETA 04:04

13:22:16 (2.72 MB/s) - Connection closed at byte 2985702192. Retrying.

  (try: 2) => `Fedora-9-Alpha-i386-DVD.iso'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content
Length: 3,685,099,520 (3.4G), 699,397,328 (667M) remaining 

100%[++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========>] 3,685,099,520    
2.50M/s    ETA 00:00

13:25:46 (3.19 MB/s) - `Fedora-9-Alpha-i386-DVD.iso' saved 

real    20m56.595s
user    0m9.951s
sys     2m1.274s
[lowen@dhcp-pool161 f9a]$ 

Yes, 21 minutes to download the DVD from a public mirror.  I've been meaning 
to eval F9alpha1 anyway.

But for the Unity respins, if I already have the previous DVD the jigdo 
process only takes 20-30 minutes tops to 'update' the DVD to the latest Unity 
respin.  And I keep the DVD ISO around, since it does make things go so much 

I'm still waiting on the BT of F9 alpha to get down, too... it's looking like 
4 hours or so at this time.  The BT will probably be done before the jigdo, 
though, since jigdo is more of a tool to help update an existing image rather 
than do a full download of an image from scratch.  Which makes it kindof odd 
that they would have released an F9 original in jigdo, since it is pretty 
slow for that.

But, yes, it would help if jigdo could do things in parallel.  Not sure how 
well that would work, but perhaps you would be willing to help with the 
Lamar Owen

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