Re: Impressions so far with FC 8 and Kubuntu Gutsy

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Terry - Fedora Core wrote:

   1. That saves me hours and days and a lot of frustration when I get
      a message that such and such file is missing. What file? Where
      is it? What package is it in? That last question can be a killer.

Sure. One of my favorite features of yum is that it can do "localinstall"s, and resolve dependencies for you, and that it can install a package based on its name, the name of something that the package "provides", or a file in the package. It's taken all of the work out of dependency resolution.

   1. The little things make the big difference - like being able to
      use the middle and right mouse buttons to increase window size
      vertically or horizontally separately.

I'm not longer intimately familiar with KDE. Under Gnome (with metacity), you can use Alt + middle mouse button to resize windows. If the mouse is near a corner, you'll resize the window in either dimension. If it's closer to the center of any edge, you'll only move that edge. It' should be trivial to resize a window vertically, or horizontally, or both at the same time.

   1. Also, when moving a window to the side, under KDE it kind of
      stops and clicks into the side of the desktop. I don't have to
      finagle with getting it there.

Metacity does the same thing here. On my multi-monitor desktop, they "click" against the edge between the two displays, too. Are you using Compiz? I've tried it a couple of times, and keep going back to metacity.

   1. Other than the way that SELinux seems to have messed up things
      until I set it to "permissive mode", almost everything in Fedora
Core 8 worked after the install (at least the second install :-) ). There weren't any of those little gotcha's that such and
      such isn't installed for that to work, install such and such a
      package - see point 1 above. OK, I had some problems, but
      nothing that hasn't worked out with a little intelligence.

Take notes on what's broken, and share them here. There's no shortage of developers who really want SELinux to "just work". I've been running SELinux in enforcing mode on all of my desktops and servers for some time now.

   1. Does the fact that it is proprietary bother me - not at all - I
      spent a lot of money on their h/w so why not use it fully with
      s/w they provide for me to do that.

It's a question of values: Why should it be that you can only use the software fully if you run their proprietary software? After all, I can use my AMD CPUs fully without anything special or proprietary from AMD.

It /should/ bother you that their software is proprietary. It should bother you all the more because you've paid them a lot of money. You're their customer. The money that they have is the money that you've given them, and they won't tell you how your video card works? Why do business with people who treat you that way?

I'm not going to go as far as to say that Fedora should actively prevent loading software that isn't Free, but their commitment to Free Software is what makes the distribution so worthy of our support. Aside from Debian, I don't believe that there's any significant distribution with a comparable commitment to the goals and ideals that got us where we are today.

1. It is free as in beer (well after having bought the h/w it is :-) ) ? Under Fedora Core, I don't know if there is a way to do
      that. Ok, principles are great, but being pragmatic works very,
      very well also.

There's a certain amount of pragmatism involved... Red Hat faces real legal issues if they distribute software in violation of its license, or of patent law. Neither Red Hat nor the community can properly diagnose bugs when software that guards its operation is running in kernel mode.

Red Hat and Fedora are better off for not including proprietary software, and we're better off not buying hardware that requires it, for pragmatic reasons.

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