Re: F8 hangs after 10 minutes inactivity on Dell optiplex 755

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Keith Hunt wrote:

On Jan 11, 2008 1:42 PM, Ryan B. Lynch <ryan.b.lynch@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:ryan.b.lynch@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Mickey Bankhead wrote:
     > I have some new dell optiplex 755 desktops.  F8 installed great, but
     > after 10 minutes of inactivity, the machine appears to be locked up /
     > frozen. The mouse arrow pointer will still move around, but mouse
     > don't do anything, and the keyboard won't respond.
     > CTRL-ALT-BKSPC will crash X back to a black screen, but that's IT.
     > CTRL-ALT-F1 will get me a log-in prompt, I can log in, but the init3
     > command will hang after 10 seconds or so
     > I suspect it's the power management trying to go to sleep or shut
     > something down, but I've got limited options in power management, and
     > with everything there set to NEVER, it still happens.
     > I can use the machine for an hour if I don't let it get idle...
     > PS. Related? - the Screen Saver screen will NEVER come up - I
    just get a
     > blank white window where it should show the screen saver options,
    but no
     > items on the screen...

    Did you ever resolve this?  I think I have the same problem, on an
    Optiplex 745.  If I leave the X session idle for long enough, or if I
    attempt to do a 'lock session' from the KDE menu, I get a very similar
    behavior to what you described:  mouse clicks and keyboard don't work,
    although the mouse can still move around the screen, and I can either
    CTRL+ALT+F1 or CTRL+ALT+BKSP without a problem.

    Looking in the Xorg log, I noticed that every time this happens, there's
    a corresponding pair of log messages:

           SetClientVersion: 0 9
           SetGrabKeysState - disabled

    I don't know what those mean, but the timing is not a coincidence.

I have experienced similar problems with Fedora 6 and 7 although they seemed to occur only intermittently. I never found a real answer, at least partly because I could never reproduce the problem at will. I started to suspect the screen saver and the last time it happened I was able to fix it by killing the screen saver (via an SSH session from another machine).

That's a really interesting idea--I didn't stop to check whether the screen saver had activated and somehow failed, although that would go a long way toward explaining the observed behavior.

I did a little Googling, and it looks like the 'SetGrabKeysState - disabled' line in the logs is supposed to happen when the screen saver/lock takes over. There should also be a corresponding 'SetGrabKeysState - enabled' line, when the user takes control back.

Now that I think about it, I did have one of those pretty OpenGL screen savers selected. I can try the obvious thing, which is to switch to a blank screen saver, and a non-OpenGL screen saver, and see if there's a difference in the behavior.

If I can establish that the problem is, in fact, the OpenGL screen saver, that might also explain your (Keith Hunt) problem being intermittent. A lot of Fedora desktops I've seen have been set to random select a different screen saver each time it turns on--so sometimes you'd get an OpenGL one that screws the pooch, and other times it would be a non-OpenGL one that works just fine.

Too much speculation--when I get in front of that my Fedora machine, again, I'll keep digging and I'll see what I can find.


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