Re: VDQ : Triple Boot Advice?

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Beartooth Testbedder wrote:
> So now I want to install CentOS 5.1 again, Ubuntu 7.10, and Fedora 8.
> The VDQ comes in three parts.
> First, the sequence : I'd prefer to put the new Ubuntu  onto one of the 13
> GB partitions, and make it end up second in boot sequence. 
> I *think* I'll be safer to install it first in time, and with the GUI
> .iso, *not* with the text-install, which I lack the savvy to use. 
> Can I do that? Or does installing it first in time force me to use the
> first free partition? (If it does, but lets me keep the rest of the setup,
> I'd rather live with it than tackle the text-install again, let alone
> re-partition.)
> Second, also about the sequence : given that all I've ever really run has
> been RedHat or Fedora (but I've been doing that since RH7), will I be any
> better off installing one of them before the other?
> Third, does anyone know of an example somewhere of a grub.conf, for a
> machine running three linuces, which I can manage to clone once I do get
> all three installed?
> I'm assuming that each OS will have a way of booting itself once I get to
> it, and that the first and hardest job will be instructing grub how to get
> to each, in a way that enables it to update for itself whenever any of
> the three gets a fresh kernel on some update. Is that right?
> My experience in the past has been that grub is everywhere dense, as the
> mathematicians say. Not in this life will I get my head far enough
> around it to have a real grasp of how to configure it -- not and get it
> right. Man grub and its ilk wear out my fingernails as I try to climb the
> walls.
> But I can copy and vary, or follow a recipe if it's explicit enough.
There are a couple of ways to do this. The way I would probably do
it is to install the OS I am going to use most first. Install Grub
to the MBR. Install the other distributions, installing Grub to the
root or boot partition. Now boot the first installed distribution,
and edit the Grub menu to add entries for the other distributions.
What you will be doing is chain loading to the other Grub installs.

title Ubuntu
  root (0,1)
  chainload +1

What this does is when you pick Ubuntu from the menu, it loads the
Grub install that is on the second partition. This version then
gives you the menu entries for Ubuntu. The advantage of this is that
each distribution manages its own Grub menu. The disadvantage is
that you end up with 2 menus when booting the less used distributions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that /boot on the other
distributions must be readable by the BIOS (Not a problem with most
newer BIOS), and can not be on a LVM volume.

Another way to do it is to have a Grub installation that just offers
you the choice of distributions, and then chain loads to the Grub
install from that distribution. (Or another boot loader besides Grub
that does the same thing.) This is a bit harder to set up, but may
look nicer. It is also possible to have all 3 distributions share
the same /boot partition, and have one Grub menu that manages them
all, but you have to be careful about kernel names, and to make sure
that the Grub menu does not get messed up.


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