Re: Wild strange problems

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Todd Denniston wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote, On 01/11/2008 08:17 AM:
Robert P. J. Day wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, Karl Larsen wrote:


  i realize i'm going to regret this immediately but, karl, if you
plan on starting a brand new thread every time you want to post
something about nvidia, could you at least (as you have been
encouraged to do countless times) use a meaningful subject line?

  we *have* had this conversation before but, sadly, the lesson seems
to have worn off.


   I have not and never will learn a lesson from you.


Will you try to learn a lesson from someone else then?

If you will, then the lesson I would like you to learn is that:
Placing the name, where name is output from /sbin/lspci, of the hardware that seems broken into the subject line, when you send a message to a mailing list may tend to direct people who know how to solve your problems to your messages.

The second possible lesson is:
Subjects that don't even list which sub system[1] you are having difficulty with tend to only irritate folks who might otherwise make an attempt at helping you.

[1] subsystems: audio, video, USB, hard drives, removable media, printing, networking.

BTW to your original email provided insufficient information, I suggest providing the following info may help: 0) a new subject line along the lines of "hard drives changing order of detection, WHY?"
1) how is hard drive 0 connected (PATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, FIRE WIRE)
2) how is hard drive 1 connected (PATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, FIRE WIRE)
3) can your machine be set to boot from USB, SCSI, FIRE WIRE?
4) can your bios be set to reorder the disk boot order?
5) how is your bios set to boot now?
6) what order is your bios set to now for the disk order?
7) full lspci output.

Here is what happened. At first I was real happy because the new kernel and Nvidia were working fine on F7. I got busy with some other things and when I got back to thunderbird the pointer was acting odd. I tried to send a email and got a weird error saying it could not find things.

I decided to reboot. It didn't work. I had goto init 3 and login as root and then type reboot. That worked but it didn't come back up. In fact it came back up to the bios page which didn't work. After a minute or more it called grub which found the proper kernel image but errored out with error 15.

Played around with BIOS and finally got on and it looked fine as far as I can tell. It is Award Bios and I really do not like it. I have not found out how to set the order of the hard drives. I thought that was fixed. It is not so I discovered.

Came up in the F8 DVD in rescue mode and looked at /boot/grub/grub.conf and it looked perfect. Not the problem. I looked at many things and found nothing. Then I turned on fdisk and found that hard disk assignments were wrong. The IDE hard drive was the first forever. The SATA drive was fifth hard drive forever. But now the sata drive is the first and ide is now second. How this happened I have no idea.

Next I changed root (hd 0,5) to (hd 1,5) and when I rebooted off the DVD and got it out the F7 came right up.

I need to learn how the bios changes hard drive numbers and get it to quit :-)



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
  PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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