I got a 2 gb sandisk clip for christmas - I plugged it into an FC 4 system
and an FC 6 system and it just worked for me both places. A real nice
tiny player. I've timed my run time to a bit more than 16 hrs. All I have
played are mp3s. It also does wma.
Cons: It does not play ogg. Not terribly loud.
They were $44 at best buy before Christmas.
I use it in MSC mode so it acts like a drive and would prefer to stay that
way. I don't use libmtp or MTP mode, but the player will work either way.
I manage the files with midnight commander and I wrote a simple playlist
script at http://wuest.org/m3uent that works fine with it. At least for
I just plug it into my PS3 and all the music pops up in the menu to play
through the stereo.
I am extremely pleased with the clip.
On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Mr.Scrooge wrote:
I don't know why i didn't start here to begin with! Anyway I am looking for an MP3 Player that
just works with Fedora 8. Any recommendations besides the older IPODS?The newer IPODS are a pain
in the ass, this I know by experience, besides which i object to apple on principle! They do not
make an ITunes for Linux?Why? Anyhow i would appreciate any suggestions, even if all you can say
is ipod but i think i will just do without rather than give my money to Apple!Thanks!!
Happy Hacking,
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