: Beartooth Sciurivore wrote: : On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 13:15:09 -0500, David Boles wrote: : > The 'everything' DVD is not a re-spin. Because? There never was an : > everything DVD release. : [...] : > None of the contents of the packages were changed. Only the updated : > packages replaced the original ones on the Fedora release. That should : > have been obvious from their page. : : An ordinary re-spin, as I use the word -- and especially the : thing -- enables a user to install what's current now, instead of what : was in November, without having to do vast updating to get the current : rpms. A custom re-spin appears generally to be so called. : : The everything DVD walks like a re-spin and quacks like a re-spin : on my end -- and such 'abuse of language,' as the mathematicians call it, : has been normal for as much of the history of tongues as is known or can : be inferred from extant evidence. : : So if you want to call it an again-spin, go ahead. We'll see : which way common usage goes. Beartooth, You mention "the everything DVD". In the "Fedora 8 Everything Spin" .jigdo on the Fedora Unity site, there are _three_ DVDs for _each of_ i386, x86_64, and ppc. Nine DVDs in all, plus 2 .iso images for double-layer DVDs _for each_ system type, plus a boatload of individual CDs (something like 17) for each system type. I downloaded the 3 DVDs for x86_64. All of the .rpms in each of the three .iso files were dated in November. I deleted them so I can't check the anything now. Dean -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list