Tim wrote:
On Fri, 2007-12-28 at 08:56 +0530, Abhishek wrote:
Ya exactly one more point will be that Linux is easy to use but
easier to screw up for a normal user,it's not that ignorant friendly
while Windows is very ignorant or n00b friendly stuff what we call
making it difficult for a "normal" user to screw up..
Try that the other way around. It's far easier for an ignorant Windows
user to screw things up. That's why the world's infested with Windows
viruses, and broken Windows PCs.
Ya but actually its more easy to call a hardware engineer or a
knowledgeable friend and get it fixed at a pretty low
price/free..Imagine screwing up a linux machine even hardware engineers
refuse to touch the machine..Forums/mailing lists is an option but what
if the system is screwed and no spare PC with internet? There are many
such problems...I think Linux should be taught in every school like they
teach windows XP :-)
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