RE: Sendmail or Postfix?

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Craig White wrote:
>Subject: Re: Sendmail or Postfix?
>On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 11:16 -0800, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>> I discovered that I have sendmail and postfix on my system,
>> and while I was unaware that postfix was installed, I had setup
>> my sendmail configuration and everything seemed to work.
>> However when I installed ISPConfig, it reconfigured postfix and now
>> it seems that postfix has taken over sendmail.  Odd, but not really.
>> Prior to installing ISPConfig and using sendmail instead of postfix,
>> I had previously reported that clamav and spamassassin in the
>> file was reporting errors and no one responded so no
>> solution was in the works thus disabled.
>> At this point, my postfix is not properly setup to where it 
>should be,
>> so this means I have two choices, remove postfix and learn how to set
>> it up properly or remove sendmail since I already know how it works,
>> but I cannot have both of these running as it will conflict 
>with each other.
>> So my question is:
>> Which of the two Email systems are the most secure, that most people
>> use and trust, has better control over intrusion and has 
>good AntiSpam
>> and AntiVirus support?
>you should have labeled your post - holy war bait

Sorry, that was not my intention.  I was looking for a secure,
trusted, Anti-"all", pop/imap, virtual user/domain and other
fully-featured system that most IT admins might be using.  I am
guessing it is sendmail (as you also said, below) and I have been
using sendmail for a long time, but at this time, I am had problems
getting the clamav-milter and spamassassin-milter to work thus
is disabled at this time.

>yum install system-switch-mail
>then you can easily switch between them simply by running command...

This is really cool!  At least this will allow me to try out different
email systems.

>I think sendmail is more widely in use and postfix is generally easier
>for users to configure. Both have complete methodologies for resisting

But for me, I thought sendmail was damn hard (still do) and yet I have
more reading to do when it comes to postfix i.e. I have to start at the
beginning.  I have found links in "Fedora 8 Server Setup:
LAMP, Email, DNS, FTP, ISPConfig" but the "caveat" might be the use of
ISPConfig which does NOT work with Gnome's GDM - but a temporary solution
is to use /etc/desktop and KDE. Quite frankly, I am on the verge of ripping
out ISPConfig and backing out certain changes as I am beginning to suspect
that it caused other sets of problems, one which setroubleshoot is broke.
As it is, setroubleshootd and sealert runs @ 95% of CPU individually, sealert
hangs and zombies when terminated, and with both running takes 100% CPU and
both do not work anymore.  Reinstalling setroubleshoot will not fix it but
it did work BEFORE I installed ISPConfig.

Another link I found on "Virtual Users and Domains With
Postfix, Courier and MySql" and this also looks interesting but hey - I
have done this with sendmail so I do not see the advantage of this other
that this is a different and interesting postfix implementation.

>intrusion and other nastiness such as relay control, pipelining, etc.
>Both can easily integrate with other technologies such as spamassassin
>and clamav but I would generally suggest that you use a 'wrapper'
>technology such as MailScanner or amavisd-new.


>My personal recommendations are to use postfix, MailScanner 
>(which wraps spamassassin and clamav and calls them when appropriate)...
>note that if you go this route, use the '4.66-beta' version.

BETA!?!?  Uh, ok. ;)

Do you know of any setup/howto's for setting up Postfix with
MailScanner/amavisd such as you suggested?


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