Re: Evolution icons disappear after reboot

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Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 03:03 -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:
Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
Almost all of the icons in Evolution -- all, I think except the red
circle with a white 'X' in it for Cancel -- disappear after a reboot and
are replaced by red 'X's, indicating (I think)  a missing icon.  The
problem can be cured by reinstalling evolution: i.e. rpm --install --force evolution-2.12.1-3.fc8.x86_64.rpm
which cure lasts till the system is rebooted.  It may (or may not be)
important that I'm running selinux.

Any ideas?
Are you using the GNOME desktop, or KDE? When I was using KDE, I had various random applications lose their icons after they got updated, most notably firefox, thunderbird. It stayed over reboots also, and to get the icon images back, I had to remove the icons from the launcher area and re-add them again. They sometimes would disappear again when rebooting also.

I haven't encountered that in GNOME yet though.

Pardon, what is the "launcher area"?

A descriptive rather than definitive term I used to refer to the location where new application launchers show up when you choose "Add new Launcher to panel" from gnome panel menu entries. I'm not sure what the official GNOME-speak is for that area, but it is the area of the taskbar which Windows refers to as the "Quicklaunch area" just to the right of the start menu, or in this case the Fedora menus (or GNOME foot menu if you prefer).

o There are moderately frequent flashes (I don't know how else to
describe them) towards the upper left corner of the screen.

Wow, I thought I was the only one. In Fedora 7/x86_64 while looking at other areas of the screen, numerous times I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, as it appeared like something very quickly flashed in the upper left hand corner of the screen. It happened randomly, and while often, it was seldom enough that I couldn't just sit and watch that area long enough for it to happen so I could get a clue as to what exactly was doing it. I do not remember if I was using KDE or GNOME at the time, or if it happened in both. Didn't find any references on google nor in bugzilla, and those in IRC thought I must be having an episode or something. ;o)

You are proof that I am sane!  Muahahahha...   ;o)

Anyhow, I didn't notice such behaviour in Fedora 8 up until the last week or so, and I've been using GNOME only so far in F8. I've only spotted the quick flash a small number of times this last week, and much less often than I noticed in F7, so I haven't bothered to try and figure out what it could be yet.

Perhaps if others are experiencing this, they will be willing to speak up now that we have come forward, knowing they wont be called a nutjob! LOL

Before someone asks... I never reported this issue in bugzilla, because there is no indication that it is actually a bug, or even a problem at all per se., combined with the fact I could not easily reproduce it or provide any useful info that could lead to reproduction, so it'd be a rather useless possibly non-bug bug report. ;o)

I'll report back here if I can deduce anything further about it though.

Mike A. Harris

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