Re: How to get mail to local destinations delivered?

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>> Hmm, this sounds familiar.  Somewhere along the line of setting up
>> networking on one of my boxes, it got a FQDN set where there should just
>> be a hostname.  Then sendmail was adding the domain name onto the end of
>> that.  Naturally, this didn't work.  And I got some peculiar error
>> messages.
>> e.g. What happened:
>>      my intended hostname:  machine
>>      my intended domain name:
>>      actual hostname:
>>      actual domain name:
>>      Services making up a FQDN from the given information, came up
>>      with:

Chris G:
> Yes, I'm pretty sure that's *exactly* my problem.
> My MUA (mutt) allows one to set the hostname for mail sent to 'name
> only' users.  I had (probably naively given all these problems!) set
> the hostname in mutt to

I don't really know Mutt.  I've played with it ages ago, but found it
about as dire as Pine, and I don't like text mail clients.  It may be
that it's Mutt you need to pay some attention to as well as your SMTP

> If I *don't* set the hostname in mutt and send a mail to 'chris' then
> (looking in maillog etc.) it appears that sendmail is appending a
> hostname of home.home and the mail gets sent to chris@xxxxxxxxxx
> I think the main issue is that very few "linux at home on the desktop"
> systems are set up to work as a proper domain on the internet with A
> records, MX records etc. and even fewer are set up like mine as a
> domain on the internet but *not* for E-Mail.

Since I was doing something sort of fancy, and striking a few little
oddities with some things (at least one of my mail clients wouldn't
accept a mail server name without at least one dot in it, etc.), I set
my system up pretty much by the book, as if the machines were all
directly on the public internet.

I have a real domain name, I made a sub-domain just for my LAN.  I run a
local DNS server, it has proper records for my LAN sub-domain in its own
zone, including an MX record for my LAN mailserver.  My sendmail was
configured to deliver locally for my domain names (I added all the
localhosts and my LAN domains to the local delivery parameters).  The
server /etc/aliases file lists the local username for *me* for the root
mail, and that gets delivered correctly.  The various client
box /etc/aliases file list my e-mail address at my LAN sub-domain for
their root mail, and that gets delivered centrally.  Likewise, all the
client boxes use my LAN sendmail as their SMTP server, and that delivers
all mail centrally, whether for the LAN or the internet.

One thing I don't do is have my SMTP server receive internet mail.  My
IP is dynamic, for one thing.  And I really didn't fancy the idea of
having to fight against spammers abusing it.

My advice would be something similar:  Configure by the book.  Make sure
your LAN domain names are set up right, your hostnames, too.  Especially
if you're using sendmail and real domain names.  My guess would be that
those who make faked domain names (.lan, local, etc.), probably avoid
this little snafu, and sendmail delivers locally because it *can't* do
it any other way (it won't find a problem causing MX record for the
faked domain name).

(This computer runs FC7, my others run FC4, FC5 & FC6, in case that's
 important to the thread.)

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
I read messages from the public lists.

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