Charles Curley wrote:
On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 11:36:07AM +0900, John Summerfield wrote:
From what I've seen here, I don't think Fedora would do better, I didn't
have wireless in runlevel 3; I don't think I tried wired-only networking
while running networkmanager.
To get wireless in RL3, you need to write a script, something like
this for my home network and my Lenovo r51 (ipw2200):
# Log in to curleynet
# Time-stamp: <2007-07-20 22:04:11 root curleynet>
# clean out the driver, in case it is hung up, and reinitialise the
# hardware.
rmmod ipw2200
modprobe ipw2200
killall dhclient
# Detect the wireless interface, ignoring output to stderr.
IF=$(iwconfig 2> /dev/null | grep ESSID | cut -d ' ' -f1)
echo Interface is $IF
iwconfig $IF essid Curleynet nick dragon channel 6 key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mode managed
# dhclient $IF
ifconfig $IF
route del default
route del default # in case there are two.
route add default gw
route -n
cat > /etc/resolv.conf <<EORES
search localdomain
ifconfig $IF
iwconfig $IF
Obviously that isn't very flexible, but it works for me at home.
I originally wrote that because NM was a turkey and couldn't reliably
associate with my home network. It is not much more reliable, but I
keep this script around for those times when NM looses its marbles.
I had wireless (orinoco silver, 11b, pccard) working in FC3 (still works
in FC5). I think system-configure-network set it up, maybe with some
help from vim, and I only used wep. I've no idea how to do it with WPA.
it worked only for one AP (unless one had several all with the same key,
when one could call it "any"), but I could use dhcp. I also conffigured
it to run bind, using the DHCP-provided nameservers for forwarding requests.
_I_ can make it work, but it's hopeless for ordinary computer users.
If you want to do it (with wep) in a script, all you need is is the
appropriate incantation(s) of iwconfig and then your preferred dhcp
client. Unless you want more than one interface, but that's not much
different from having two wired networks.
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