Javac-compilor error

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Hello ,
would you like cast a coursory glance at my probleme please, and
consider to give some advice that bids some issue me to ustruck.

I had to endure a failure again with FC 4 distr. as I was trying compile
an introductory file necessaire to further studies.
Having the intent to get a tutorial I loaded down from website  Java 5.0 tutorial and in a separate
directory all the accessory files in order to follow the demonstrated
discipline id.e.programming Java.

As I get along in may study the tutorial suggested as follows:
Try on command line type java -version et
			 javac -version.
Both of them gave me positive response with a disclaimer from the party
of Red Hat against all faillure may the user occur.
Next it told me to copy the source file from the source
directory of the aforesaide Web site in my own home or newly established
javawork directory. Thereafter I had to type in order to compile the
source file on the command line: 
# javac
in order to achieve a binary library for the further studies in
demonstrating the tought programming. But my attempt result this time
(too) in ERROR as follows:

 Gyurka@bakacs ~]$ cd ./javawork
[Gyurka@bakacs javawork]$ javac
1. ERROR in
 (at line 4)
        import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
The iGyurka@bakacs javawork]$mport java.util.IllegalFormatException
cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in
 (at line 374)
        out.printf("%" + minChars + "s", x);
The method printf(String, Object) is undefined for the type PrintWriter
3. ERROR in
 (at line 420)
        public static void putf(String format, Object... items) {
Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0
4. ERROR in
 (at line 424)
The method printf(String, Object[]) is undefined for the type
5. ERROR in
 (at line 426)definitive
        catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
IllegalFormatException cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in TextIO.java7 problems (7 errors)[Gyurka@bakacs javawork]$

 (at line 851)
The method region(int, int) is undefined for the type Matcher
7. ERROR in
 (at line 867)
The method region(int, int) is undefined for the type Matcher
7 problems (7 errors)[Gyurka@bakacs javawork]$

Unfortunately this library-file (TextIO.) is so crutial in further
experiments set aside that I am temporarily struck with all possible
experimanting with my subject that I hardly can do without it.

I should very graceful to anybody who could me lending some helping
best regards George Szára


Tavaszig, most minden f�ron! ADSL Internet m�1 745 Ft/h��Keresse aj�atunkat a oldalon!

import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

 * TextIO provides a set of static methods for reading and writing text.  By default, it reads
 * from standard input and writes to standard output, but it is possible to redirect the input
 * and output to files or to other input and output streams.  When the standard input and output
 * streams are being used, the input methods will not produce an error; instead, the user is
 * repeatedly prompted for input until a legal input is entered.  (If standard input has been
 * changed externally, as by file redirection on the command line, this is not a reasonable
 * behavior; to handle this case, TextIO will give up after 10 consecutive illegal inputs and
 * will throw an IllegalArgumentException.)  For the most part, any other
 * error will be translated into an IllegalArguementException.
 * <p>For writing to standard output, the output methods in this class pretty much
 * duplicate the functionality of System.out, and System.out can be used interchangeably with them.
 * <p>This class does not use optimal Java programming practices.  It is designed specifically to be easily
 * usable even by a beginning programmer who has not yet learned about objects and exceptions.  Therefore, 
 * everything is in a single source file that compiles into a single class file, all the methods are
 * static methods, and none of the methods throw exceptions that would require try...catch statements.
 * Also for this reason, all exceptions are converted into IllegalArgumentExceptions, even when this
 * exception type doesn't really make sense.
 * <p>This class requires Java 5.0 or higher. (A previous version of TextIO required only Java 1.1;
 * this version should work with any source code that used the previous version, but it has some new
 * features, including the type of formatted output that was introduced in Java 5 and the ability to
 * use files and streams.
public class TextIO {

    * The value returned by the peek() method when the input is at end-of-file.
    * (The value of this constant is (char)0xFFFF.)
   public final static char EOF = (char)0xFFFF; 

    * The value returned by the peek() method when the input is at end-of-line.
    * The value of this constant is the character '\n'.
   public final static char EOLN = '\n';          // The value returned by peek() when at end-of-line.

    * After this method is called, input will be read from standard input (as it 
    * is in the default state).  If a file or stream was previously the input source, that file
    * or stream is closed.
   public static void readStandardInput() {
      if (readingStandardInput)
      try {
      catch (Exception e) {
      in = standardInput;
      inputFileName = null;
      readingStandardInput = true;
      inputErrorCount = 0;
    * After this method is called, input will be read from inputStream, provided it
    * is non-null.  If inputStream is null, then this method has the same effect
    * as calling readStandardInput(); that is, future input will come from the
    * standard input stream.
   public static void readStream(InputStream inputStream) {
      if (inputStream == null)
         readStream(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
    * After this method is called, input will be read from inputStream, provided it
    * is non-null.  If inputStream is null, then this method has the same effect
    * as calling readStandardInput(); that is, future input will come from the
    * standard input stream.
   public static void readStream(Reader inputStream) {
      if (inputStream == null)
      else {
         if ( inputStream instanceof BufferedReader)
            in = (BufferedReader)inputStream;
            in = new BufferedReader(inputStream);
         inputFileName = null;
         readingStandardInput = false;
         inputErrorCount = 0;
    * Opens a file with a specified name for input.  If the file name is null, this has
    * the same effect as calling readStandardInput(); that is, input will be read from standard
    * input.  If an
    * error occurs while trying to open the file, an exception of type IllegalArgumentException
    * is thrown, and the input source is not changed.  If the file is opened 
    * successfully, then after this method is called, all of the input routines will read 
    * from the file, instead of from standard input.
   public static void readFile(String fileName) {
      if (fileName == null) // Go back to reading standard input
      else {
         BufferedReader newin;
         try {
            newin = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(fileName) );
         catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't open file \"" + fileName + "\" for input.\n"
                           + "(Error :" + e + ")");
         if (! readingStandardInput) { // close current input stream
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
         in = newin;
         readingStandardInput = false;
         inputErrorCount = 0;
         inputFileName = fileName;

    * Puts a GUI file-selection dialog box on the screen in which the user can select
    * an input file.  If the user cancels the dialog instead of selecting a file, it is
    * not considered an error, but the return value of the subroutine is false.
    * If the user does select a file, but there is an error while trying to open the
    * file, then an exception of type IllegalArgumentException is thrown.  Finally, if
    * the user selects a file and it is successfully opened, then the return value of the
    * subroutine is true, and  the input routines will read from the file, instead of 
    * from standard input.   If the user cancels, or if any error occurs, then the
    * previous input source is not changed.
    * <p>NOTE: Calling this method starts a GUI user interface thread, which can continue
    * to run even if the thread that runs the main program ends.  If you use this method
    * in a non-GUI program, it might be necessary to call System.exit(0) at the end of the main() 
    * routine to shut down the Java virtual machine completely.
   public static boolean readUserSelectedFile() {
      if (fileDialog == null)
         fileDialog = new JFileChooser();
      fileDialog.setDialogTitle("Select File for Input");
      int option = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(null);
      if (option != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
         return false;
      File selectedFile = fileDialog.getSelectedFile();
      BufferedReader newin;
      try {
         newin = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(selectedFile) );
      catch (Exception e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't open file \"" + selectedFile.getName() + "\" for input.\n"
                        + "(Error :" + e + ")");
      if (!readingStandardInput) { // close current file
         try {
         catch (Exception e) {
      in = newin;
      inputFileName = selectedFile.getName();
      readingStandardInput = false;
      inputErrorCount = 0;
      return true;
    * After this method is called, output will be written to standard output (as it 
    * is in the default state).  If a file or stream was previously open for output, it
    * will be closed.
   public static void writeStandardOutput() {
      if (writingStandardOutput)
      try {
      catch (Exception e) {
      outputFileName = null;
      outputErrorCount = 0;
      out = standardOutput;
      writingStandardOutput = true;

    * After this method is called, output will be sent to outputStream, provided it
    * is non-null.  If outputStream is null, then this method has the same effect
    * as calling writeStandardOutput(); that is, future output will be sent to the
    * standard output stream.
   public static void writeStream(OutputStream outputStream) {
      if (outputStream == null)
         writeStream(new PrintWriter(outputStream));
    * After this method is called, output will be sent to outputStream, provided it
    * is non-null.  If outputStream is null, then this method has the same effect
    * as calling writeStandardOutput(); that is, future output will be sent to the
    * standard output stream.
   public static void writeStream(PrintWriter outputStream) {
      if (outputStream == null)
      else {
         out = outputStream;
         outputFileName = null;
         outputErrorCount = 0;
         writingStandardOutput = false;

    * Opens a file with a specified name for output.  If the file name is null, this has
    * the same effect as calling writeStandardOutput(); that is, output will be sent to standard
    * output.  If an
    * error occurs while trying to open the file, an exception of type IllegalArgumentException
    * is thrown.  If the file is opened successfully, then after this method is called,
    * all of the output routines will write to the file, instead of to  standard output.
    * If an error occurs, the output destination is not changed.
    * <p>NOTE: Calling this method starts a GUI user interface thread, which can continue
    * to run even if the thread that runs the main program ends.  If you use this method
    * in a non-GUI program, it might be necessary to call System.exit(0) at the end of the main() 
    * routine to shut down the Java virtual machine completely.
   public static void writeFile(String fileName) {
      if (fileName == null)  // Go back to reading standard output
      else {
         PrintWriter newout;
         try {
            newout = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
         catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't open file \"" + fileName + "\" for output.\n"
                           + "(Error :" + e + ")");
         if (!writingStandardOutput) {
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
         out = newout;
         writingStandardOutput = false;
         outputFileName = fileName;
         outputErrorCount = 0;
    * Puts a GUI file-selection dialog box on the screen in which the user can select
    * an output file.  If the user cancels the dialog instead of selecting a file, it is
    * not considered an error, but the return value of the subroutine is false.
    * If the user does select a file, but there is an error while trying to open the
    * file, then an exception of type IllegalArgumentException is thrown.  Finally, if
    * the user selects a file and it is successfully opened, then the return value of the
    * subroutine is true, and  the output routines will write to the file, instead of 
    * to standard output.  If the user cancels, or if an error occurs, then the current
    * output destination is not changed.
   public static boolean writeUserSelectedFile() {
      if (fileDialog == null)
         fileDialog = new JFileChooser();
      fileDialog.setDialogTitle("Select File for Output");
      File selectedFile;
      while (true) {
         int option = fileDialog.showSaveDialog(null);
         if (option != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
            return false;  // user canceled
         selectedFile = fileDialog.getSelectedFile();
         if (selectedFile.exists()) {
            int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
                  "The file \"" + selectedFile.getName() + "\" already exists.  Do you want to replace it?",
                  "Replace existing file?",
                  JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
            if (response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
         else {
      PrintWriter newout;
      try {
         newout = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(selectedFile));
      catch (Exception e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't open file \"" + selectedFile.getName() + "\" for output.\n"
                        + "(Error :" + e + ")");
      if (!writingStandardOutput) {
         try {
         catch (Exception e) {
      out = newout;
      writingStandardOutput = false;
      outputFileName = selectedFile.getName();
      outputErrorCount = 0;
      return true;

    * If TextIO is currently reading from a file, then the return value is the name of the file.  
    * If the class is reading from standard input or from a stream, then the return value is null.
   public static String getInputFileName() {
      return inputFileName;

    * If TextIO is currently writing to a file, then the return value is the name of the file.  
    * If the class is writing to standard output or to a stream, then the return value is null.
   public static String getOutputFileName() {
      return outputFileName;

   // *************************** Output Methods *********************************
    * Write a single value to the current output destination, using the default format
    * and no extra spaces.  This method will handle any type of parameter, even one
    * whose type is one of the primitive types.
   public static void put(Object x) { 
      if (out.checkError())
         outputError("Error while writing output.");
    * Write a single value to the current output destination, using the default format
    * and outputting at least minChars characters (with extra spaces added before the
    * output value if necessary).  This method will handle any type of parameter, even one
    * whose type is one of the primitive types.
    * @param x The value to be output, which can be of any type.
    * @param minChars The minimum number of characters to use for the output.  If x requires fewer
    * then this number of characters, then extra spaces are added to the front of x to bring
    * the total up to minChars.  If minChars is less than or equal to zero, then x will be printed
    * in the minumum number of spaces possible.
   public static void put(Object x, int minChars)  { 
      if (minChars <= 0)
         out.printf("%" + minChars + "s", x);
      if (out.checkError())
         outputError("Error while writing output.");
    * This is equivalent to put(x), followed by an end-of-line.
   public static void putln(Object x) { 
      if (out.checkError())
         outputError("Error while writing output.");
    * This is equivalent to put(x,minChars), followed by an end-of-line.
   public static void putln(Object x, int minChars) {
      if (out.checkError())
         outputError("Error while writing output.");

    * Write an end-of-line character to the current output destination.
   public static void putln() {
      if (out.checkError())
         outputError("Error while writing output.");
    * Writes formatted output values to the current output destination.  This method has the
    * same function as System.out.printf(); the details of formatted output are not discussed
    * here.  The first parameter is a string that describes the format of the output.  There
    * can be any number of additional parameters; these specify the values to be output and
    * can be of any type.  This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the
    * format string is null or if the format string is illegal for the values that are being
    * output.
   public static void putf(String format, Object... items) {
      if (format == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null format string in TextIO.putf() method.");
      try {
      catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal format string in TextIO.putf() method.");
      if (out.checkError())
         outputError("Error while writing output.");
   // *************************** Input Methods *********************************

    * Test whether the next character in the current input source is an end-of-line.  Note that
    * this method does NOT skip whitespace before testing for end-of-line -- if you want to do
    * that, call skipBlanks() first.
   public static boolean eoln() { 
      return peek() == '\n'; 

    * Test whether the next character in the current input source is an end-of-file.  Note that
    * this method does NOT skip whitespace before testing for end-of-line -- if you want to do
    * that, call skipBlanks() or skipWhitespace() first.
   public static boolean eof()  { 
      return peek() == EOF; 
    * Reads the next character from the current input source.  The character can be a whitespace
    * character; compare this to the getChar() method, which skips over whitespace and returns the
    * next non-whitespace character.  An end-of-line is always returned as the character '\n', even
    * when the actual end-of-line in the input source is something else, such as '\r' or "\r\n".
    * This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the input is at end-of-file (which will 
    * not ordinarily happen if reading from standard input).
   public static char getAnyChar() { 
      return readChar(); 

    * Returns the next character in the current input source, without actually removing that
    * character from the input.  The character can be a whitespace character and can be the
    * end-of-file character (specfied by the constant TextIO.EOF).An end-of-line is always returned 
    * as the character '\n', even when the actual end-of-line in the input source is something else, 
    * such as '\r' or "\r\n".  This method never causes an error.
   public static char peek() { 
      return lookChar();
    * Skips over any whitespace characters, except for end-of-lines.  After this method is called,
    * the next input character is either an end-of-line, an end-of-file, or a non-whitespace character.
    * This method never causes an error.  (Ordinarly, end-of-file is not possible when reading from
    * standard input.)
   public static void skipBlanks() { 
      char ch=lookChar();
      while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
         ch = lookChar();

    * Skips over any whitespace characters, including for end-of-lines.  After this method is called,
    * the next input character is either an end-of-file or a non-whitespace character.
    * This method never causes an error. (Ordinarly, end-of-file is not possible when reading from
    * standard input.)
   private static void skipWhitespace() {
      char ch=lookChar();
      while (ch != EOF && Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
         if (ch == '\n' && readingStandardInput && writingStandardOutput) {
            out.print("? ");
         ch = lookChar();

    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type byte from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static byte getlnByte() { 
      byte x=getByte(); 
      return x; 
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type short from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static short getlnShort() {
      short x=getShort();
      return x; 
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type int from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static int getlnInt() { 
      int x=getInt(); 
      return x; 
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type long from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static long getlnLong() {
      long x=getLong(); 
      return x;
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type float from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static float getlnFloat() {
      float x=getFloat(); 
      return x;
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type double from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static double getlnDouble() { 
      double x=getDouble(); 
      return x; 
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type char from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  Note that the value
    * that is returned will be a non-whitespace character; compare this with the getAnyChar() method.
    * When using standard IO, this will not produce an error.  In other cases, an error can occur if
    * an end-of-file is encountered.
   public static char getlnChar() {
      char x=getChar(); 
      return x;
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type boolean from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
    * <p>Legal inputs for a boolean input are: true, t, yes, y, 1, false, f, no, n, and 0; letters can be
    * either upper case or lower case. One "word" of input is read, using the getWord() method, and it
    * must be one of these; note that the "word"  must be terminated by a whitespace character (or end-of-file).
   public static boolean getlnBoolean() { 
      boolean x=getBoolean(); 
      return x; 
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads one "word" from input, discarding the rest of 
    * the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any).  A word is defined as
    * a sequence of non-whitespace characters (not just letters!).   When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
    * if an end-of-file is encountered.
   public static String getlnWord() {
      String x=getWord(); 
      return x; 
    * This is identical to getln().
   public static String getlnString() {
      return getln();
    * Reads all the charcters from the current input source, up to the next end-of-line.  The end-of-line
    * is read but is not included in the return value.  Any other whitespace characters on the line are retained,
    * even if they occur at the start of input.  The return value will be an empty string if there are no
    * no characters before the end-of-line.  When using standard IO, this will not produce an error.  
    * In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if an end-of-file is encountered.
   public static String getln() {
      StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(100);
      char ch = readChar();
      while (ch != '\n') {
         ch = readChar();
      return s.toString();
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type byte from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static byte getByte()   { 
      return (byte)readInteger(-128L,127L); 

    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type short from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static short getShort() { 
      return (short)readInteger(-32768L,32767L);
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type int from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static int getInt()     { 
      return (int)readInteger((long)Integer.MIN_VALUE, (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type long from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static long getLong()   { 
      return readInteger(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); 
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a single non-whitespace character from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if an end-of-file
    * is encountered.
   public static char getChar() { 
      return readChar();
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type float from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static float getFloat() {
      float x = 0.0F;
      while (true) {
         String str = readRealString();
         if (str == null) {
            errorMessage("Floating point number not found.",
                  "Real number in the range " + (-Float.MAX_VALUE) + " to " + Float.MAX_VALUE);
         else {
            try { 
               x = Float.parseFloat(str); 
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
               errorMessage("Illegal floating point input, " + str + ".",
                     "Real number in the range " +  (-Float.MAX_VALUE) + " to " + Float.MAX_VALUE);
            if (Float.isInfinite(x)) {
               errorMessage("Floating point input outside of legal range, " + str + ".",
                     "Real number in the range " +  (-Float.MAX_VALUE) + " to " + Float.MAX_VALUE);
      inputErrorCount = 0;
      return x;
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type double from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
   public static double getDouble() {
      double x = 0.0;
      while (true) {
         String str = readRealString();
         if (str == null) {
            errorMessage("Floating point number not found.",
                  "Real number in the range " + (-Double.MAX_VALUE) + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE);
         else {
            try { 
               x = Double.parseDouble(str); 
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
               errorMessage("Illegal floating point input, " + str + ".",
                     "Real number in the range " + (-Double.MAX_VALUE) + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE);
            if (Double.isInfinite(x)) {
               errorMessage("Floating point input outside of legal range, " + str + ".",
                     "Real number in the range " + (-Double.MAX_VALUE) + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE);
      inputErrorCount = 0;
      return x;
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads one "word" from input. Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  A word is defined as
    * a sequence of non-whitespace characters (not just letters!).   When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
    * if an end-of-file is encountered.
   public static String getWord() {
      StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(50);
      char ch = lookChar();
      while (ch == EOF || !Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
         ch = lookChar();
      return str.toString();
    * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type boolean from input.  Any additional characters on
    * the current line of input are retained, and will be read by the next input operation.  When using standard IO,
    * this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input until a legal value
    * is input.  In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a legal value is not found.
    * <p>Legal inputs for a boolean input are: true, t, yes, y, 1, false, f, no, n, and 0; letters can be
    * either upper case or lower case. One "word" of input is read, using the getWord() method, and it
    * must be one of these; note that the "word"  must be terminated by a whitespace character (or end-of-file).
   public static boolean getBoolean() {
      boolean ans = false;
      while (true) {
         String s = getWord();
         if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("t") ||
               s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")  || s.equalsIgnoreCase("y") ||
               s.equals("1") ) {
            ans = true;
         else if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("f") ||
               s.equalsIgnoreCase("no")  || s.equalsIgnoreCase("n") ||
               s.equals("0") ) {
            ans = false;
            errorMessage("Illegal boolean input value.",
            "one of:  true, false, t, f, yes, no, y, n, 0, or 1");
      inputErrorCount = 0;
      return ans;
   // ***************** Everything beyond this point is private implementation detail *******************
   private static String inputFileName;  // Name of file that is the current input source, or null if the source is not a file.
   private static String outputFileName; // Name of file that is the current output destination, or null if the destination is not a file.
   private static JFileChooser fileDialog; // Dialog used by readUserSelectedFile() and writeUserSelectedFile()
   private final static BufferedReader standardInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;  // wraps standard input stream
   private final static PrintWriter standardOutput = new PrintWriter(System.out);  // wraps standard output stream

   private static BufferedReader in = standardInput;  // Stream that data is read from; the current input source.
   private static PrintWriter out = standardOutput;   // Stream that data is written to; the current output destination.
   private static boolean readingStandardInput = true;
   private static boolean writingStandardOutput = true;
   private static int inputErrorCount;  // Number of consecutive errors on standard input; reset to 0 when a successful read occurs.
   private static int outputErrorCount;  // Number of errors on standard output since it was selected as the output destination.
   private static Matcher integerMatcher;  // Used for reading integer numbers; created from the integer Regex Pattern.
   private static Matcher floatMatcher;   // Used for reading floating point numbers; created from the floatRegex Pattern.
   private final static Pattern integerRegex = Pattern.compile("(\\+|-)?[0-9]+");
   private final static Pattern floatRegex = Pattern.compile("(\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)?");
   private static String buffer = null;  // One line read from input.
   private static int pos = 0;           // Position of next char in input line that has not yet been processed.
   private static String readRealString() {   // read chars from input following syntax of real numbers
      if (lookChar() == EOF)
         return null;
      if (floatMatcher == null)
         floatMatcher = floatRegex.matcher(buffer);
      if (floatMatcher.lookingAt()) {
         String str =;
         pos = floatMatcher.end();
         return str;
         return null;
   private static String readIntegerString() {  // read chars from input following syntax of integers
      if (lookChar() == EOF)
         return null;
      if (integerMatcher == null)
         integerMatcher = integerRegex.matcher(buffer);
      if (integerMatcher.lookingAt()) {
         String str =;
         pos = integerMatcher.end();
         return str;
         return null;
   private static long readInteger(long min, long max) {  // read long integer, limited to specified range
      long x=0;
      while (true) {
         String s = readIntegerString();
         if (s == null){
            errorMessage("Integer value not found in input.",
                  "Integer in the range " + min + " to " + max);
         else {
            String str = s.toString();
            try { 
               x = Long.parseLong(str);
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
               errorMessage("Illegal integer input, " + str + ".",
                     "Integer in the range " + min + " to " + max);
            if (x < min || x > max) {
               errorMessage("Integer input outside of legal range, " + str + ".",
                     "Integer in the range " + min + " to " + max);
      inputErrorCount = 0;
      return x;
   private static void errorMessage(String message, String expecting) {  // Report error on input.
      if (readingStandardInput && writingStandardOutput) {
             // inform user of error and force user to re-enter.
         out.print("  *** Error in input: " + message + "\n");
         out.print("  *** Expecting: " + expecting + "\n");
         out.print("  *** Discarding Input: ");
         if (lookChar() == '\n')
         else {
            while (lookChar() != '\n')    // Discard and echo remaining chars on the current line of input.
         out.print("Please re-enter: ");
         readChar();  // discard the end-of-line character
         if (inputErrorCount >= 10)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many input consecutive input errors on standard input.");
      else if (inputFileName != null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error while reading from file \"" + inputFileName + "\":\n" 
               + message + "\nExpecting " + expecting);
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error while reading from inptu stream:\n" 
               + message + "\nExpecting " + expecting);
   private static char lookChar() {  // return next character from input
      if (buffer == null || pos > buffer.length())
      if (buffer == null)
         return EOF;
      else if (pos == buffer.length())
         return '\n';
         return buffer.charAt(pos);
   private static char readChar() {  // return and discard next character from input
      char ch = lookChar();
      if (buffer == null) {
         if (readingStandardInput)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read past end-of-file in standard input???");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to read past end-of-file in file \"" + inputFileName + "\".");
      return ch;
   private static void fillBuffer() {    // Wait for user to type a line and press return,
      try {
         buffer = in.readLine();
      catch (Exception e) {
         if (readingStandardInput)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error while reading standard input???");
         else if (inputFileName != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error while attempting to read from file \"" + inputFileName + "\".");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Errow while attempting to read form an input stream.");
      pos = 0;
      floatMatcher = null;
      integerMatcher = null;
   private static void emptyBuffer() {   // discard the rest of the current line of input
      buffer = null;
   private static void outputError(String message) {  // Report an error on output.
      if (writingStandardOutput) {
         System.err.println("Error occurred in TextIO while writing to standard output!!");
         if (outputErrorCount >= 10) {
            outputErrorCount = 0;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many errors while writing to standard output.");
      else if (outputFileName != null){
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error occurred while writing to file \"" 
               + outputFileName+ "\":\n   " + message);
      else {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error occurred while writing to output stream:\n   " + message);
} // end of class TextIO
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