Res wrote:
On Sun, 14 Oct 2007, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Res <res <at>> writes:
Yes it takes time, on my tiny desktop of p4 2.4g with only a measy 1 gig
ram, it takes a whole 12 mintues to build and install, wow if you cant
drag yourself away from the pc for 12 pissy little minutes, you
have problems
The time it needs depends on the number of modules you pick (and the
time you
spend configuring to select exactly the modules you need is _your_
time, not
So you don't copy over your '.config'? you spend 30 minutes each time
re-inventing your wheel :) maybe you should be vanished back to winblows
then, as you seem to like bloated vendor OS's/kernels you'll be right at
home, then again, many people now days say Raleigh is Redmond so what
does it matter.
Have you evaluated your savings in compiling your own kernel? Vendors'
kernels may be comprehensive, but I doubt that they actually use more
RAM than a self-compiled one does.
My concern with building a kernel that's significantly different from
the vendors' is that vendors' scripts make some assumptions, such as
that one uses modules, such as that certain modules are available.
I will build a kernel if I must, but I prefer to use vendors' source
where possible.
This is no place for rudeness, and it's wrong to assume everyone's
computer facilities are as well-endowed as one's own.
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