Chris wrote:
On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:32:45 -0700
Konstantin Svist <fry.kun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Chris wrote:
Before I run off and remove my kids Windows2000 OS for Fedora, will
F7 play WoW? HE wants to play Wow really bad but also wants to try
out Linux.
Both Cedega
and CrossoverOffice
support WoW
Wine supports it too, supposedly
(, but I've had troubles using wine in Fedora:
I tried running openCanvas in it and it wouldn't work.
CrossoverOffice ran it perfectly and even supports wacom tablets out
of the box.
To reiterate: yes it's possible
Ahh - perfect!
I'll experiment a bit before wiping his drive.
I was playing it until a few months ago using Cedega and my hardware is
gefore 7900 GS with 2gigs ram and Athlon64 and WoW works quiet ok at
about 40fps 1024x768 res.
I would put it that it's down to anywhere between 25% to 50% less
performance than on windows depending on where you are in WoW and number
of mobs/players in your area.
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