Re: F7 is working fine

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On Thursday 23 August 2007 18:51, PerAntonRønning wrote:
> Nigel Henry wrote:
> > On Thursday 23 August 2007 18:12, PerAntonRønning wrote:
> >> Karl Larsen wrote:
> >>>    I had trouble getting to F7. I really didn't want to but it seemed
> >>> the timing was right for it. After over 200 updates F7 is good working
> >>> Linux. The first thing a new user needs to do is remove Totem and get
> >>> the VLC media player. It has worked just fine through all the 200
> >>> upgrades and plays anything from mp3 to .wav to DVD movies. It does it
> >>> all. I get things from friends with Windows. VLC never fails to play
> >>> them.
> >>>
> >>>    There is still some minor things broken but they might be due to MY
> >>> hardware which is old. New computer is scheduled to be delivered today
> >>> by UPS but they deliver very late, like 10:30 PM local. Then I will
> >>> see if the new motherboard and SATA hard drives fix the problems.
> >>>
> >>>    A friend just loaded F7 again after getting the 200 updates and he
> >>> says it is nothing like it was 3 months ago.
> >>
> >> Sounds good. But where is it? I have been looking around for a FC 7 iso
> >> DVD, but all sites stop at /6 and then they list /development - is this
> >> fc7? Is the iso DVD hidden within the .bittorrent, which I am absolutely
> >> new to? I've never used bittorrent,  I have never needed to. As I
> >> understand I have to download a torrent client, as a search tool(?) - is
> >> that up the same alley as FTP?  Pardon my ignorance, but i have lots to
> >> do and I must operate on a need to know basis. How do I extract the
> >> contents of a torrent file, is that something the torrent client program
> >> takes care of?
> >>
> >> Brgds
> >> PAR
> >
> > You can get it from here:
> >
> >
> > I believe there are respins available for F7, which should have most
> > updates included, but don't know the URL for those.
> >
> > Nigel.
> I downloaded BitTorrent (rpm) for direct install, but it failed due to
> dependencies.
> It needed some newer Python elements than I have at present. But no
> worries, I finally found
> a FC 7 iso DVD and it is downloading now as we speak. It is huge, so it
> will take a while.
> Brgds

Just as a suggestion, and has you have some time to go in downloading it (not 
as bad as my 10 days on dialup though), if you have some spare harddrive 
space, I'd install F7 separate to your current working system. I have seen 
quite a lot of problems on the list from folks, either upgrading, or 
overwriting a current working version of their distro. This way you can make 
sure everything works as it did before, graphics card, ethernet, wireless, 
etc. There can be nothing worse than doing an upgrade/fresh install, and it 
won't boot, or you end up with a text login because there is a problem 
between the graphics card, and the new distro version.

I always do it this way with Fedora. I have a bunch of distros on my 2 
machines, and overwrite one of the earlier ones, which I'm willing to let go 
of (not that I like trashing any of my Fedora versions). My Debian installs 
have always upgraded ok (so far), but have just had a problem with upgrading 
Kubuntu Breezy to Dapper (also a debian based distro, and only upgrading to 
the next release, like going from FC6 to F7). 1st problem after the upgrade 
was the screen resolution was screwed up. I mess with that, and reboot, and 
end up in text mode. Some time later, and a bit of editing with nano, and now 
it boots up ok, and Xstarts ok. Login to KDE, and the fonts are all super 
dooper large (Déjavu ones) . Mess about with the fonts, and then try some 
apps. Xawtv starts, but no video, or sound. It appears the options I needed 
to set for bttv, and tda9887, are now being called from a different file, and 
they arn't there. A bit of thinking, and putting the options in an 
alternative file, and Xawtv is working again. There were 2, or 3 other things 
that needed some work. I should have written all these fixes down, but the 
objective was to get the system up and running as it had been before. I keep 
telling myself to write it down, and immediately forget to do so.

I only say the above stuff, is because I don't want to see you either 
upgrading, or overwriting your current working system, and finding that, for 
some reason or other F7 has a problem, and to get up and running again you 
end up with a bit less hair.

All the best with your F7 install.


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