Re: F6C800-UNV Belkin UPS?

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On Saturday 11 August 2007, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>That's one piece to my puzzle!
>ll /dev/hid*
>crw------- 1 root root 180, 96 2007-08-11 03:46 /dev/hiddev0
>So the device would appear to be  /dev/hiddev0.

Yes, by USB standard definitions a ups _is_ an HID device.

>I'll try that in the "nut" config file.

I'd think if it was usb, and because of that standard definition, nut should 
assume /dev/hiddev0 as a starting point, scanning upwards till it finds the 
right response or runs out of udev created devices.  But I but haven't ever 
used nut so that is just a SWAG.

Serial interfaces OTOH, at least in the belkins, seem to be all a very 
proprietary thing, more of an individual item q&a session from my snooping, 
and it doesn't seem to translate via a usb<->serial adapter to anything that 
resembles a normal protocol.  On my older belkin it would work with a pl2303 
plugged into its serial port MOST of the time, with an annoying false loss of 
comm message a few times a day, but then they found some problems with the 
pl2303 code & the linux-usb people have managed to destroy what functionality 
it had, so all of my adapters are now FTDI's.

>And I will look for apcupsd. 
>I am in a rural area among cotton and soy bean fields and rely on
>several UPS's.
>Just yesterday afternoon the power was dropping momentarily with
>lightning but this computer, using a different UPS, kept plugging along
>oblivious to it.
>I seem to collect old supplies, all except one so far have responded to
>the replacement of batteries, this last one required two 12 volt, 7.5
>a/h series connected gel-cells which seem to be common to most I've
>acquired and can be had for about $7 each plus shipping.
>Bob Goodwin

I've been there too, most notably with an old NCR about the size of a full 
tower case and around 150 pounds.  It had 4 big 6 cell gel cells in it that 
at the price of them, got replaced with 4 ea 14AH motorcycle batteries all 
rigged so the overflow tubes dumped into a pint of soda.  But it, even after 
I lowered the float voltage by 4 volts, still boiled them dry at yearly 
intervals.  But it also ran this place for over 4 hours one night before I 
got nervous and did a gracefull shutdown.  We were 3 days getting power 
restored that time.  So after 3 years & 2 sets of batteries it got retired, 
and when the 1500 kva belkin I bought to replace it went tits up after the 
third battery in 3 years, refusing to handle a reset all the machines 
brownout for teh 4th time, it got replaced with yet another belkin, but when 
this ones gone, the next one will say APC on it, they care about linux.

It won't be that long either, I'm convinced that belkin engineers a minimum 
operating temperature for their gel cells of something in the 170 degree 
range just so they can sell a new battery set at $130 a year.  I have to open 
them up, and leave then sit and cool for about half an hour just so they can 
be handled with bare hands.  Grrrr.  Good business model for belkin as long 
as they can get away with it though. :(

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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