Re: Back Again

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on 7/31/2007 7:59 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> David Boles writes:
>> on 7/31/2007 7:03 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>> Todd Zullinger writes:
>>>> Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>>>> Nah, it's not closer. It's just that rpm is getting crappier every
>>>>> year, and is long overdue for replacement.
>>>> I could easily be mistaken, but AFAIK, the main difference in speed
>>>> that end users notice between yum and apt is due to the fact that apt
>>>> caches it's metadata.  In between runs of apt-get update, calls to
>>>> apt-get use the data on disk without hitting the network.  With yum,
>>>> the update and upgrade steps from apt-get are both done in the update.
>>> I don't know if you've ever upgraded Fedora from one release to the next. 
>>> The upgrade process is as slow as molasses, even though all the metadata is 
>>> right there.
>> Do you know just why an upgrade of a system 6 months old, or more, takes
>> longer than a fresh install of a new release? You should study that
>> situation. Start with package dependencies and then think about just what
>> you might have changed and added from third party sites. Then think some more.
> Well, I did think. The system does not have anything beyond Fedora and 
> Fedora Extras, plus my own RPMs. But why does it matter, anyway? Why does 
> the presence of a foreign RPM cause such a nervous breakdown? At most it 
> should result in an unsatisifed dependency. But why would should this result 
> in rpm spinning its wheels, to such an extent?
>> Care for a really stupid example? Take a 2006 automobile. Examine it very
>> closely. Then with a garage full of new 2007 parts make it a 2007
>> automobile. All the time making sure that everything fits and still works.
>> Email us when you're finished.
> No matter which parts you do have in your automobile and where they came 
> from, when you have to compare its part with a fixed list of two thousand 
> other parts, from a reference model, it should take the exact same amount of 
> time whether all your parts are OEM or aftermarket. It's the same number of 
> parts in your car, whether original or replacement, after all. So why would 
> it matter?
> At most, the complexity of what RPM has to do would be O(N), and it should 
> really be O(log N). But it seems, though, that RPM's actual complexity is at 
> least O(N^2), unscientifically.
> I tell you this. I mentioned before that I use my own package management 
> tool internally to manage some homebrewed software. I have a compatilibity 
> shim that sucks out pretty much the entire contents of the system RPM 
> database, and imports all of the dependencies into my internal package 
> database. This is to allow my own packages, which might have, say, a 
> dependency on, have the dependencies satisified by an RPM.
> Basically, I read all RPM resources, and create a dummy package that 
> provides those resources, then install the dummy package, so my internal 
> package database contains all the RPM-provided resources. Each time I update 
> some RPMs, I rerun the import script and upgrade the old dummy RPM 
> compatibility package to a new one.
> This operation, you understand of course, is analogous to your example -- 
> taking an old snapshot of the entire RPM database, comparing it to a new 
> one, and reconciling any differences against resources required by my 
> internal packages, to make sure that they don't break. This operation is 
> also equivalent, to what Anaconda has to do when it's about to upgrade the 
> Fedora distro -- take the current RPM database, and reconcile it with the 
> RPM database from the release you're updating to.
> It takes me, oh, maybe a minute or so to crunch everything together. The 
> analogous step in Anaconda -- "Preparing transaction" -- takes aout 5-10 
> minutes.
> And I actually have more work to do. RPM has, I believe, three resources 
> classes to reconcile against each other -- provided resources, required 
> resources, and conflicting resources.  My internal package database has six 
> resource classes to reconcile, so I actually have more work to do.
> The performance degradation that I see in Anaconda is far more pronounced on 
> less-robust hardware. On my less-than one year old laptop, with a fairly 
> speedy Pentium, and 2 gigs of RAM, Anaconda is about 2-3 times slower than 
> my homegrown code. On an old box that I have, running a pair of decade-old 
> (approx) 500 Mhz Celerons, with 256MB RAM, rpm is dreadfully slow -- about 
> 10-15 times slower than my homegrown code. There's something terribly 
> inefficient in the way that Anaconda goes about its business. It should 
> /not/ take that long to do its duty.
> Some of it might be due to Anaconda being Python code, and my homegrown code 
> being C++.

Great idea. But you really don't have a clue do you?

Ok. You *don't* like the rpm/yum/Anaconda system? Write your own
rpm/yum/Anaconda typesystem in C++ to replace the python one that Fedora
uses. I am sure that the Fedora people would look at it.

Programing is not my 'thing' But if you can replace their system with a
better one I would be more than happy to try it. And, if it works, use it.
As long as it is FOSS of course.  ;-)

If you're gonna' talk the talk - ya gotta' walk the walk.  Nuf Sed?


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