OK, a dumb question, but Ive always just assumed that all my machines were 32bit, and ignored 64bit stuff. Now more than 1/2 are 64bit. So the dumb question: How do you compile in 64bit mode? Im sure its there in the gcc man page, but after scanning the first 20-30pages Im about to go to sleep... And, is there some place to put this so that gcc ALWAYS compiles in 64bit mode? Or does so by default. Or does gcc look at the machine architecture and make a decision on its own. So, a quick discussion of the niceties of 32/64bit compiling would be appreciated. -- Reg.Clemens reg@xxxxxxx -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list