Re: Here are some of my ideas for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9

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----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Hemdal <ehemdal@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 10:50:31 AM
Subject: Re: Here are some of my ideas for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9

> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:01:15 -0500
> From: Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@xxxxxxxxx>
. . . 
> > 
> >> I think there would be an interesting legal argument that nearly all
> >> potential users have already paid the relevant patent royalties
> >> indirectly in the form of drivers and other software provided by the
> >> hardware vendors of the devices in question (and included in the cost),
> >> or in the copy of Windows they were essentially forced to buy with the
> >> computer.  Since they have paid to use the covered algorithms and since
> >> patents cover the process not specific instances, they should be
> >> permitted to use a version of it that actually works.  Of course I don't
> >> want to spend my own money to test this argument...
> > 

I think you're wise. Patent licenses cover the processes, but software
licenses cover the individual implementations that might use patented
inventions.  So you or I would probably be toast using that argument.

Inventor patents an invention under Patent 1 and licenses it to
Developer, who releases "Product A".  This product uses the invention in
Patent 1 legally, because Developer paid for a patent license.  You
license Product A from Developer when you buy your PC and a copy of
Windows.  You have a license to use the Product, but you don't have any
rights to exploit Patent 1 -- just to use the particular implementation
you licensed from Developer.

Let's say someone else uses the invention in Patent 1 in Product B, but
he doesn't obtain a patent license.  If you use Product B, you are at
some risk, because Product B infringes Inventor's patent rights.  You
might get away with it for a while, if Inventor doesn't protect his
invention, or just doesn't notice that Product B came out.  But you're
exposed nonetheless.

The gripe I have with DRM and measures against reverse-engineering is
that they make tinkering impossible and illegal.  If I bought a product,
traditionally I could take it apart to learn how it works.  I could make
myself smarter, at the risk of breaking something that I paid money for.

After tinkering, I still could not use the patented inventions I found
unless I obtained a patent license.  I could, however, try to outwit the
patent holder by doing the same job in a different way.  One could argue
that this is a big benefit of the patent system -- it documents
inventions, gives patent holders a reward, and other inventors an
incentive to innovate some more.

But DRM methods that make tinkering impossible and laws that make
tinkering illegal destroy this benefit.  


----- End of Original Message ----
Someone on Distrowatch Weekly reported that DRM is not a very good word/acronym

CRAP is better 

C - Content, 
R - Restriction, 

A - Annulment, and 
P - Protection, 

Cut and pasted from that page

274 • Windows Vista funny videos (by Beatnik on 2007-06-13 21:37:28 GMT from Panama)

Hey, take a look to some funny videos about Windows Vista:

1- D.R.M. = CRAP
A load of C.R.A.P.
ZDNet Executive Editor David Berlind suggests that CRAP or 
Annulment, and 
a catchier phrase than DRM - Digital Rights Management. Why does he
think this technology is crap? Once you've bought music or other
content to play on one device, it won't play on any other device
because of the proprietary layer of CRAP

Video with a different lyric to the song "start me up" of the rolling
stones when windows 95 was released, applied to their new O.S.

3- Windows VISTA SUCKS Horribly:

4- Microsoft own presentation of Vista new "voice recognition" with some "UNEXPECTED" FAILURE.



Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

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