Mike C wrote:
Mike McGrath <mmcgrath <at> redhat.com> writes:
"smoltDeleteProfile" and upgrades should work just fine and remove the
old profile. By upgrade do you mean format and install? Also there is
a smolt checkin plugin that, when enabled (as it is in anaconda when you
send a profile) will continue to check in monthly. This will allow us
to only select profiled that are new.
Well OK The following url shows a box on FC6
The following shows a box on F7
These are one and the same machine with the latter profile after a clean install
of F7.
So if how do I delete the first profile from this machine (or any other)?
http://smolt.fedoraproject.org/delete?UUID=YOURUUID Unfortunately we
can't use the hardware UUID of your system for privacy issues, so
whenever a fresh install happens, the old profile will remain.
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