Re: Don't know where to start

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> [test2@localhost ~]$ su
> Password:
> [root@localhost test2]# df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda2             9.5G  8.4G  621M  94% /
> tmpfs                 500M     0  500M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/sda5             6.9G  2.0G  5.0G  29% /usr/D
> /dev/sda6             9.8G  776M  9.0G   8% /usr/E
> [root@localhost test2]# fdisk -l
> bash: fdisk: command not found
> [root@localhost test2]#
> Here is the out put from you clean packages
> [root@localhost test2]# yum clean packages
> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
> Killed

The causes could be many.  Did you run the memtest that was suggested? 
Did your memory pass?

If your memory is okay, my guess is you ran out of space on your root
partition either when you were doing some additional package installations
or when you were doing an update.  If you believe that is the case, there
could be extensive damage all over the place.  If I had that situation, I
would reinstall.  In your case, I would probably want 20GB or more
allocated for my root partition.

Here are a few things to try to get yum/rpm to work.  Be very careful. 
Some of these commands could cause bad things to happen.  It is unlikely,
and I have tried all of them myself various times but I have to warn you.

1)  Get out of graphical mode.  I'm not sure if this works but I believe
you can.  Open a command prompt.

# init 3

2)  su -

This will switch you to root with all the perks.

3)  ps -A|grep yum

This will show you if you have any yum processes running.  If you do, kill
them (kill 9 <processID>).  Especially yum-updatesd (I hate that thing).

4)  ps -A|grep rpm

This will show you if you have any rpm processes running.  If you do, kill
them also.

5)  rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.*

This will remove any lock state files yum (rpm) have left laying around.

6)  rpm -vv --rebuilddb

This will rebuild your rpm database.

7)  yum clean all

This will remove any partial packages and headers you might have.

Now, with all of that done, your yum/rpm should be in good shape.  Your
major problem now is you do not have enough space on your root partition. 
You may want to edit your /etc/yum.conf and move your cache directory to a
different partition that has more room (like /usr/E).

Even with that done, I doubt you have enough room on your root partition
to do updates.  Did you use lvm when you did your install?  You can check
by running:


This should show you any volume groups you have.  If you don't have any,
bad news.  If your root partition is part of a volume group, you could add
a new volume to that group to get more space

Hope this helps.

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