Re: Fedora - DELL ?

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On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 00:01 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > Because of the self-flagellating ideological crusade adopted by
> > Fedora, they are now second fiddle to Ubuntu.  ESR has been telling
> > them that for many moons now.
> ESR says a lot of things, but that doesn't make them true. 

ESR happens to be correct in what he's saying.

> > The primary function of an operating system is to serve the user;
> > thru greater technical merit, and not to pick a religion for the
> > user.  Whenever an operating system devolves from that former
> > purpose, it basically removes itself from the domain of the user.
> > That's what's happening to Fedora now, because of the Alan Cox's and
> > the Greg KH's and the Andrew Mortons of the world.
> Yes, damn those bastards for working on the excellent OS I have right
> now and not even demanding a dime from me for their work.  (I'll get
> you for that yet Alan Cox!)

Cox is employed by Red Hat, so he is compensated for his work and
doesn't really need to demand a dime.  I don't know about the other guys
but it's a red herring since it has jack to do with the rights and
wrongs of this debate.

> > The Ubuntu guys realize that programmers have the right to license
> > their code however they please, and that it's not the purpose or
> > stated goal of the OS to dictate code licensing choice.
> Who is dictating license choice for you?  If you want non-free code,
> you may choose to get it from any number of sources.  Dictating would
> be telling the folks that work on Fedora that they must include
> software that is licensed in ways that conflict with their views and
> quite often are not legal to distribute.

That's not what is happening, it's exactly the opposite.  I've listed
the kernel message several times so maybe you can figure it out for

It's easy for a non-flagellant to see the pushosity is coming from the
developer side and not the user side, but of course no bona fide
flagellant worth his fascist ideals is going to see that.

> > The purpose of the OS is to run user programs, and not to force use
> > of it's developer's favorite licenses.
> Right.  Developer's should have no say at all in how the code that
> makes up the system they work on is licensed.

You can twist and squirm all you want, but the fact of the matter is
that not only is their licensing the way they want it right now, they
are also attempting to force it down other people's throats. 

>   They need to realize that they were put on this earth to serve users.

What the hell do you think an OS is exactly?  For sole use of
developers?  An OS is for the use of the users, so yes the developers
are indeed serving the users, first and foremost.  They are not the new
priesthood of the lowly unwashed users; they weren't elected to foist
new religions on the users, as far as I know; they are there to present
code that is of technical merit.  If they don't want to serve the users,
and they instead want to push ideology, they should do something else
along those lines, like start a church of the New Flagellants or some
such.  At least then the congregation has the choice of choosing whether
they attend or not.

> > Ideology is the _user's_ domain, not the OS's.  That's why Ubuntu
> > will continue to clean Fedora's clock.
> And by similar logic why MS will continue to clean Linux's clock.

That will indeed happen if your fascist ideology continues to be forced
on the public; however, it won't, because Ubuntu is now offering a
solution that tops either M$ or Fedora.  They have BOTH free software
and binary blobs working together; as it should be.  The real solution
is one that doesn't stifle licensing freedom like this current Fedora
ideology pushes for.

> Sorry Lyvim, but this is all pure crap

I'm sick and tired of the new flagellants telling everybody to shut up
when they hear something contrary to their religion.  As far as my posts
go, you tend to yours and I'll tend to mine.  As a matter of fact, since
you happen to be wrong, I suggest you take *your* bullshit somewhere


A Kernel Of Socialism

greatunwashed: module license 'great_unwashed' taints kernel.
ich: no version for "unwashed_register_device" found: kernel tainted.
Symbol usb_register_driver is being used by a non-GPL module,
which will not be allowed in the future
Please see the file Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt
in the kernel source tree for more details.

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